old soldier still fighting for freedom...


Well-Known Member
I'm not new, but I don't think I ever said hi here before and I've been gone a while so thought I would post this vid as an introduction. I would also offer this, the corporate cannabis "legalization" we see manifesting across the country is not what I was fighting for.
In 1993, right after I sent the first package to Clinton, A man named George Soros took a man named Ethan Nadelmann under his wing and created the DPA. The function of the DPA was to take control of the "legalization movement" and influence the text of cannabis "legalization" anywhere and everywhere such was being contemplated. The DPA gang (includes MPP) failed in Cali to influence and change the wording to 215, (the first and last law passed based on human rights concerning cannabis), but they have successfully influence all other cannabis legislation since then including Co, Wa, and Cali, all of which are big on big business and obscure when it comes to basic individual human rights.
The in the trenches work we did between 1993 and 1996 were unheard of at the time, it was a time before everyone had the internet, and a time when the only thing on the news about cannabis was did Clinton inhale or not. The actions we took back then not only put cannabis on the top ten topics "hot sheet" for media coverage, but after 3 years of non stop actions it paved the way in popular opinion and ended up making prop 215 in cali doable.
What we need now is to regroup and reorganize in effort to try and set things right. Where we need to go from here is where we should of started from to begin with which is to file at least one if not multiple federal civil law suits challenging govs authority to schedule plants. The basis for the action(s) would be that the CSA, in it's capacity to schedule plants is unconstitutional as it results in disparaging the individuals self evident naturally endowed right to grow and use natural plants in obscurity. Such a challenge has never been attempted.
Aside from mounting a fed court challenge, it might also be worth putting some local ballot initiatives forward at the county level in places like California. Here's the effort we did in 2014 as an example:
As you can see from this next link though, the cannabis "legalization" folks were our biggest detractor and spent tens of thousands in a misinformation campaign to try and sway folks into voting no:
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