Old School Gamers


Active Member
Any ps, ps2 N64, nes players out there.

sega players?

i was recently at a friend of mines house and we were chilling smoking about 4 l's, had around 4 heads on the blunts.

and then the dude whips out the n64 with 007.

4 controllers, i was stoned as hell.

just brought back some memories!



Well-Known Member
:eyesmoke:There is nothing better than having an old fashioned game of 4 player 007.. i went out a couple months ago and got some old games like mario kart and 007... so worth the time... but i have to say tetris for nintendo is a wicked stoner game at the same time i could play that for hours....lol:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I loved sega i think the only reason kids get hooked on games like sonic is you cant save so your always scared to put it down... i remember playing that game all night think im about to beat it then die... took me forever to get through the orgional sonic...haha


New Member
this was my first home video game system.. I WAS THE FIRST IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD!

After that I got the Atari 2600.. Then Colecovision.. Then Atari 5200.. Then Nes etc etc etc etc .. After NES (and SMB) I became a gamer for life and have been gaming nonstop.. I game mainly on my PC these days.


Well-Known Member
I game strictly on the pc now and not much at all any more unless there's a really good title. But I do like an occasional MAME game of the old stuff on the pc. I wouldn't want any old game systems around with all the cables and clutter but mame is the shit for those old games.


Well-Known Member
not only are you a veteran smoker but you are def. an veteran gamer rocking a system like... my first system was nintendo...lol


Well-Known Member
Do you guys remember that one system that was supposed to be like VR thing. it was a essentially a massive pair of goggle with a gaming system built in. I can't remember what it was called.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what the name of that is but i remember seeing it at one of those huge arcades... they were shooting games i believe... possibly one of the collest new games of those times lol to bad it didnt keep going...


Well-Known Member
I grew up with the snes, and have been playing donkey kong since the year it came out. That and super mario are the only two games that ive never gotten bored of.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah, i remember gettin 007 and a n64 for xmas one time.

i used to play nes, snes, sega, and what ever the model about the sega was... dont think it was a mega drive i had, but maybe. also had a sega saturn which i still have. also had a play station which i played more than the ps2 which were my brothers. had an xbox, upgraded that to a 360, and also have a ps3.

think ive had nearly every console since ive been little,lol.

oh, also had a spectrum.

edit: oh yer, also had a gameboy and gameboy color.

super mario brothers 3 was best game when i was a child.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Oh...and here's a playstation emulator.http://psxemulator.gazaxian.com/
Here's the file you have to download and place in the bio folder to get the emulator to work.http://files.filefront.com/SCPH1001BIN/;5483066;/fileinfo.html I can't remember if it was zipped or not, if it is, just extract it to the Bios.
Then you just have to get either iso files of the games you want.The second site I put in my last post has them,but you'll need points for those.So you can either join and wait a while,because you get points every day, or you can donate.
When you get the game you load it.I think I had to configure the "memory card",too.