old people make me MaD!

I was talking to my friends grandfather last night and he was talking about how all the blacks are voting for Obama.. and how it wasnt right that they were voting for him because of his race..

Now after completing the conversation

he has the nerve to tell me that the only reason he's voting for McCain is because he was in the military and that no one has the right to lead the country if you havent served in the military...

NOw TO ME ... THis is as bad as voting for Obama cuz he's black..

Personally I dont like either choices... But if I had to choose between sleezy McCain or Black Obama

IM goin with Ron paul



Well-Known Member
See his point, the blacks would want a black dude... just for the sake of it.

I aint racist but i see his point ... it's like..... would u vote for your race if you were black, and it was the first time ever ?

i think u would

I hope obama wins ..... emm ron paul still in ?

i subscribed to him in the early days :D

hahaaa..... i was like one of the top first 1000 users to sign up there :D

The Stig

Well-Known Member
that guys was an asshole the same with anyone thinking about voting for McCain.... :finger:

sorry but I really hate that corupt idiot of McCain and stupid people that support him :mrgreen:


Active Member
I hate voting time. All you do is pick, in your opinion, who is the lesser of two evils. So far from what I've read (I can't do debates, short attention span), with either guy I can keep guns in my house. Now, as soon as they take that away, I'm leaving the US.
