Ok so what do i do


Active Member
2 of my plants died as most you guys know already. 2 lived, one aparently female, and one male. Pics are lousy but you get the picture. The male is in the hydro system, the female i have in cup of H202 and doing very well actually. The male in the system lost about 3/4s of its foilage, but really who cares. Can i expect the female to live? She lost most her roots but is doing good in the H202 solution with water and a bit of bloom food. What do you all think?



Active Member
y cant u just put ur bithch in the hydsro system and hack the male
well the roots still look infected with rot. Does anybody know how long it will take for it to go away? Is there something i can buy? After i put the male in the system is when most of foilage died. I dont want that to happen to girl u dig?


Well-Known Member
Hey again,

I have found this quite helpful in dealing with plant problems.

International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!

If you go about halfway down the page it deals with root rot.

Otherwise I'd suggest that instead of bumping this thread you take some pictures of the roots and start a new one with a more specific description of your problem in title, mentioning that you have included pics. From browsing here I'd say you definitely get more replies that way than saying something vague like 'plz help' or 'what do I do'