OK, I give up....


Active Member
I have searched multiple times and read a bunch of the threads that pop up from my search to no avail. I don't know if im just challenged at the search function or what.....

Anyway, My question... What is the purpose of rooting a clone and puting it straight into 12/12. If I understand it correctly, you can utilize less space more efficiently on your yield by growing a bunch of colas???

From what I can gather it seems like this is something you do if you use the ScrOG or SOG technique?

Anyway, if anyone knows where I can find this info, I would greatly appreciate any help. Sorry for the newbness. Thx.


Well-Known Member
can find the info, ill try and link it....question pends on whether or not you took the clone...example...you grow up an un-known plant....clone it, take clone and flower it....if its female then you got a female...if its male....you can get rid of it before pollen comes out.

if ya know they are female then yeah...take your clones and put as many in an area as you can.....like ya said sog technique......check SOG technique and browse from their
