oh man oh man oh man... POT COOKIES = AWESOME. THE STORY.


Active Member
Ok. So, I wake up at 8AM. I'm like... ok, I gotta try this eating pot thing.

I think in my head...

Cookie mix that requires butter.
The Egg the mix requires.
The butter. The natural kind.

So, I boil water in a pot. I dump in 1 stick of butter into a glass, and I dump some VAPIRIZED WEED (That was WORTHELSS TO SMOKE). I let it melt, and I swirl it around for about 5 minutes.

I strain out the weed with a strainer, and put the new butter in the refrigerator to harden.

I make the cookies. When it wants butter... I take it out of the refrigerator, and gogogogo...

I need to say.

This is AWESOME.

The high is SO DIFFERENT.

I hate SIX cookies. JUST SIX. And... slowly it's been an increasingly greater high each hour...

(Btw, the batch is good to make like 24+!)



Sounds good man, im looking to do the exact same thing with my vaped bud when I get enough, how many g's of bud you use?


Well-Known Member
how many g's of vaped weed per cookie?
wow, only 5 minutes?!?! i was under the impression it takes 1-3 hours, or is it because you were using VAPED weed?


Active Member
dunno. but seriously, only 5 minutes. It wasnt until I was high as fuck that I read online people were doing it for 3hrs-24hrs


Well-Known Member
I had a friend that made a batch of butter out of 5lbs of shake.. Made 2 batches of cookies. A batch of choco-chips and a batch of no-bakes.

I ate 1 of each. About 45 minutes later I was so fucked up I couldn't walk, talk or see straight.. it was a bad experience. One bite would've worked.


Well-Known Member
I had a friend that made a batch of butter out of 5lbs of shake.. Made 2 batches of cookies. A batch of choco-chips and a batch of no-bakes.

I ate 1 of each. About 45 minutes later I was so fucked up I couldn't walk, talk or see straight.. it was a bad experience. One bite would've worked.
nice I want some butter that strong!!!