Obamas first intelligence briefing


Well-Known Member
President-elect Barack Obama today receives his first comprehensive, "above" Top Secret presidential-level intelligence briefing.
In addition to receiving the regular "President’s Daily Brief," or PDB, which consists of analytical summaries of best available intelligence on vital national security matters over the previous 24-hours, intelligence sources told HSToday.us that Obama's briefing also will include the latest analysis on the reconstitution of Al Qaeda and the terrorist organization’s presence in Pakistan and Pakistan's border with Afghanistan; the state of the terrorist/insurgency in Iraq and Pakistan; Al Qaeda’s efforts to acquire nuclear and, especially, biological weapons; Iran and North Korea’s nuclear weapons and ballistic missile developments; and the increasing threat posed to the United States by Mexico’s warring narco-terrorist cartels, which have ties to Colombia’s FARC and Islamist terrorist organizations with long-established operational infrastructure throughout Central and South America.
Keep reading from homeland security today.
Homeland Security Today - news and analysis - Obama Hears ‘Family Jewels’ Intel Briefing, Clearance Concerns

What might happen depends on who becomes the next Secretary of Homeland Security
Homeland Security Today - news and analysis - Election Day to Yield New Administration, New Homeland Security Secretary


Well-Known Member
All I want to know is, can Obama ask about UFOs and other conspiracy theories, from Lincoln to JFK.

I can't find what the presidents limited clearance is.
Security Clearance Investigations: Information from Answers.com
There are three levels of security clearance, corresponding to three levels of classified material: Confidential, a term referring to information whose disclosure to unauthorized personnel could reasonably be expected to cause damage to national security; Secret, or information whose disclosure to unauthorized personnel could result in serious damage to national security; and Top Secret, a term referring to information whose disclosure to unauthorized personnel could reasonably be expected to result in exceptionally grave consequences.
In addition to the most basic and widely known levels of security clearance, there are numerous other categories, including "need to know" and "compartment." An individual or agency with a "need to know" has a demonstrable and recognized purpose for accessing specific information. "Compartment," in the context of security clearances, refers to a group of individuals with a need to know regarding a specific topic.


New Member
If UFO's have been covered up for this long they aren't about to tell a temporary employee about them. The president is a temporary employee since he can only serve 2 terms. That's my take on it.

Wouldn't it be cool if he found out and blew the lid off of it?


Well-Known Member
This is true, Miss

Jimmy Carter was refused information about UFOs from the current CIA director, George Bush Sr.

Clinton was denied information as well.

very suspicious.


Well-Known Member
If UFO's have been covered up for this long they aren't about to tell a temporary employee about them. The president is a temporary employee since he can only serve 2 terms. That's my take on it.

Wouldn't it be cool if he found out and blew the lid off of it?
I've always seen the President kind of like the President of any company. They usually just end up dealing with all the bullshit. The vice-president handles the day-to-day activities. The board members make all the big decisions. So who are the board members of the U.S.?


Well-Known Member
This is true, Miss

Jimmy Carter was refused information about UFOs from the current CIA director, George Bush Sr.

Clinton was denied information as well.

very suspicious.
As CNC couldn't the potus just fire the military asshole who does have that kind of clearance and appoint his own?

What about other conspiracy theories like the presidents book?

I know, I know... But a real president's book did exists, it was passed on from president to president...
Now the conspiracy: The book is being kept in a secret compartment which only the president knows, after the new president is chosen, there are to be a special meeting between the president in charge and the president which just stepped down. They will transfer the books, and of course, the new president will choose a new hiding place for it.

I also remember reading in some conspiracy magazine that the book had been burned in the 1800s, and had been lost during JFK term of president.

If security clearance is set up like a credit score: Obama has multiple past credit issues. Nobody's tellin him shit.:-P