Obama using kids as human shields...


Well-Known Member
WASHINGTON, DC – A senior U.S. general has confirmed that the military has secretly drawn up plans to round up large numbers of privately-owned firearms from American gun owners.
General James M. Scott of the U.S. Air Force confirmed that the Pentagon received a series of formal directives from the White House between November 7 and December 13 to begin plans for a massive nationwide operation to confiscate guns using a series of federal databases compiled over the last few decades.

Scott also confirmed that a certain four-star general who heads the U.S. Transportation Command was intimately involved in the planning. General Scott would not reveal the general’s name out of concerns for his safety.

The plan, known in the military as Operation PREAKNESS, combines a series of tactics developed for house sweeps and room clearing in Iraq and Afghanistan, which General Scott admitted had been used as test-runs for the U.S.

“If we can confiscate millions of firearms in a country where we don’t speak the language or understand the culture, the U.S. should be easy,” General Scott told The Duffel Blog.
According to Scott, the actual planning for Operation PREAKNESS was initiated in early 2009 and developed in conjunction with the United Nations, Senator Dianne Feinstein, and several other liberal organizations such as the National Organization for Women, Planned Parenthood, Greenpeace, the American Federation of Labor, and the National Rifle Association, which is apparently a front for all the previous groups.

Just so you know, the total number of firearms confiscated in Iraq and Afghanistan combined from 2006-2008 between US, British and Australian forces was 3,738. They have never confiscated MILLIONS of weapons. Only THOUSANDS.

Generals lie all the time because they are only one step removed from a Politician.


Well-Known Member
Weapons Law of 1938

i'd read up on that if i was you
thank you.

the lie that nodrama just brought up is the type that i would not have even known to debunk before the sandy hook massacre, much less bothered to debunk.

i was happy to concede this debate until a gun nut left her guns where her mentally ill kid could get them. the kid refused background checks, he's proof that gun safety laws do deter. we just need more safety. keep the right guns in the hands of the right people and these tragedies are less common.


Well-Known Member
Just learned something after reading about this. Now I can go :fire:

I have some friends that think hitler disarmed all of Germany...

ink the world

Well-Known Member
I knew when I logged in here the wingnuts would be screaming about the Marxist taking away everyone's guns. Thanks for not disappointing me. Good to see the tinfoil hat brigade is still going strong here.Every society needs idiots to mow lawns, remove trash and staff fast food dumps.No one is taking your guns, you can still buy guns; you'll just have to prove you're not mentally ill. Oh, now I see why you guys are scared...no worries there won't be an IQ test to buy firearms, you're all set fellas.


Well-Known Member
I'd be more worried about the US piss tests..no one screams that they are getting your DNA.... but freak about getting a background check.... and everyone from employers to landlords already run background checks..its not an invasion..its called safeguarding the people.. I'm no angel but I have no issues of getting a background check...

and really people....fuck facebook already has your background, and so do all the places that send you spam..they have your name and email..they have your info..its just the NRA backed by manufacturers feigning some false attack on rights.... someone should fly a plane into NRA headquarters. background check that.... I'm fed up of slimy RT wing "old southern" ideals..they are the US version of cavemen taliban IMO..got to control religion women and what they deem unjust.


Ursus marijanus
thank you.

the lie that nodrama just brought up is the type that i would not have even known to debunk before the sandy hook massacre, much less bothered to debunk.

i was happy to concede this debate until a gun nut left her guns where her mentally ill kid could get them. the kid refused background checks, he's proof that gun safety laws do deter. we just need more safety. keep the right guns in the hands of the right people and these tragedies are less common.
You have then assumed the standard antigun argument: one person made it through the safeties, so obviously the safeties do not work. The real problem here is a zero-tolerance attitude toward failure (which is not the way of human affairs of any sort) stacked onto a visceral dislike of the gun. That combo resists all reason, I have found.

ceterum censeo "the right people" are not the police. cn

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Weapons Law of 1938

i'd read up on that if i was you
thank you.

the lie that nodrama just brought up is the type that i would not have even known to debunk before the sandy hook massacre, much less bothered to debunk.

i was happy to concede this debate until a gun nut left her guns where her mentally ill kid could get them. the kid refused background checks, he's proof that gun safety laws do deter. we just need more safety. keep the right guns in the hands of the right people and these tragedies are less common.

so which was it, NoDrama . . . . . you got the chance to set it straight, is you right or BUck right

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
you realize that comparing Obama to hilter is one of the stupidest things a person can say to actaully pretend to be in a political debate about current events . . .. . try to make sense . . it will help

what did we do to defend our selves before modern weapons were made . . . we must have been invaded by the vikings and the Spanish and the Russians all at once

man the american people are just saps without automatic assault weapons, history proves it


Well-Known Member
you realize that comparing Obama to hilter is one of the stupidest things a person can say to actaully pretend to be in a political debate about current events . . .. . try to make sense . . it will help
Don't get mad at me, UB was the one who inferred it.bongsmilie

PS-Who said I was debating?