Obama reverses stem cell research ban


Well-Known Member
i don't think there's a question about what this government (i didn't say administration) is capable of. we are well aware of crack's introduction to the US ghetto, by the cia to fund the nicaraguan war. :cuss:
I'm talking about human genetic experiments That has been for 30 yrs.


New Member
MMj is a useful tool, but certainly not for saving lives. the costs do not parallel.

Stem cell is very very expensive. MMJ? Hell I can grow it. :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Yes, but as of right now it simply does not work. THAT is the reason why the Govt. did not wish to fund it, when other research has been much more promising. It's called being careful with other people's money. Of course I am aware it is water under the bridge since everyone's money will end up in the govt's hands the way we are going...

Feel the change.

out. :blsmoke:
Wrong. The "Bush" didn't want to fund this because of the "christian extremest right" and their anti-abortion whining. Question, if they are going to throw them away anyway, WTF is wrong with trying to find a cure for many diseases, like the two I have, arthritus and diabetes? I heard that there may be a new breakthrough that would allow them to regrow teeth, hows that for all you toothless old farts.


Well-Known Member
where did Vi go? i wanna hear more.


fuckin' awesome, hurry up with it. :clap:


New Member
For those who didn't read completely through my last post, but decided to flap their jaws anyway ... I'll repeat the question I asked:

"Do you think there could be a sinister motive underlying the wonton desire to use cells from human embryos? Have you ever thought about this?"

Any thoughts?

same thought I always have...your ridiculous.....


Well-Known Member
i have shit to do and have been visiting other threads waitin'. i hate when ppl shoot off some lame ass position on a specific topic, but refuse to be engaged, challenged, or even mentally stimulated. :rolleyes::sleep:


New Member
OK ... for the naysayers ... do a google search on Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. Sinister indeed.

Here's another take as well: In case you, like most Americans these days, are asleep at the wheel, you probably haven't noticed that over the past 80 years, we have moved closer and closer to totalitarianism. All I'm asking is that you consider how eugenics was handled by other's who were in control in those totalitarian governments.




Well-Known Member
OK ... for the naysayers ... do a google search on Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. Sinister indeed.

Here's another take as well: In case you, like most Americans these days, are asleep at the wheel, you probably haven't noticed that over the past 80 years, we have moved closer and closer to totalitarianism. All I'm asking is that you consider how eugenics was handled by other's who were in control in those totalitarian governments.


alls well. but i addressed another concern, civil and like a gent. you are not speaking about your disdain for Mr. Obama.


Well-Known Member
i would just like to hear one of these haters (most voted for Bush...twice!!!) acknowledge a legitimate (LEGITIMATE, FOUNDED) reason for hatin' the Pres. this man has true compassion for humankind (unlike Bush, and many others), yet he's hated and ridiculed by this small, LOUD segment of AmeriKKKa. :bigjoint:
i was addressing this at you, in case it wasn't obvious. no argument, just intelligent dialogue. :fire:


Well-Known Member
OK ... for the naysayers ... do a google search on Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. Sinister indeed.

Here's another take as well: In case you, like most Americans these days, are asleep at the wheel, you probably haven't noticed that over the past 80 years, we have moved closer and closer to totalitarianism. All I'm asking is that you consider how eugenics was handled by other's who were in control in those totalitarian governments.


I hope you got tin foil on all of your windows......make sure to cover the skylight too.....the govt can get you that way