Obama Presidency... Unconstitiutional?


Well-Known Member
Which states...

"...Hawaiian people never directly relinquished to the United States their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people over their national lands, either through the Kingdom of Hawaii or through a plebiscite or referendum."

So if Hawaii was ADMITTED to never have constitutionally been a state... how does that not enact any change?
It would have redacted the Admission Act. It redacts nothing. All the Joint Resolution actually does is admit we basically took Hawaii. Legally, it changes nothing. The 1993 Joint Resolution was passed with full knowledge of a 1959 referendum which passed on a 17 to 1 margin, approving statehood. The admission of Hawaii was Constitutional.
The Admission Act, formally An Act to Provide for the Admission of the State of Hawaii into the Union (Pub.L 86-3, enacted March 18, 1959) is a statute enacted by the United States Congress and signed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower which dissolved the Territory of Hawaii and established the State of Hawaii as the fiftieth state of the Union.
BINGO.... Neither one is eligible.... Sorry to disappoint either one of you Johnny or Vi, but GoodbyeFreedom is correct.
In many/most cases, a child born outside the US to a US citizen or citizens is a US citizen by birth (and, in the opinions of most legal scholars, qualifies as a "natural born" citizen eligible to become President or Vice-President).

So the question is not whether the child can "become" a US citizen, but rather how the parents can go about documenting the fact of the child's citizenship.

The law on US citizenship for children born outside the US depends on when the child was born, whether one or both parents are US citizens, and how long each parent lived in the US prior (not necessarily immediately prior) to the child's birth. A table describing US law on this subject during the 20th century (for children born in wedlock) can be found on the Web site of Buffalo immigration lawyer Joe Grasmick. Check with a US consulate for an exact interpretation of the rules with regard to a specific situation; however, here's a summary of the rules as they pertain to children born now or in the recent past.
USCitizenship.info | Did you know?
In 1936, McCain was born at the Coco Solo Air Base, in the then-American controlled Panama Canal Zone, to Jack McCain, a Navy officer, and Roberta McCain. If McCain wins the 2008 election, he’d be the first American to take the presidential oath who has an official birthplace outside the 50 states.
Law Blog - WSJ.com : Does John McCain Have a Birthplace Problem?


Well-Known Member
It admits that we OVERTHREW the Hawaiian Government, and apologizes to the Hawaiian people. Since when was it ok to overthrow a government just for their sugar resources?

"By an act of war, committed with the participation of a diplomatic representative of the United States and without authority of Congress, the government of a feeble but friendly and confiding people has been overthrown."
"A substantial wrong has thus been done, which a due regard for our national character, as well as the rights of the injured people, requires we should endeavor to repair."
-Grover Cleveland.

Cleveland refused to approve the annexation of Hawaii.

"Native Hawaiian people never directly relinquished to the United States their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people over their national lands, either through the Kingdom of Hawaii or through a plebiscite or referendum"
-U.S. Public Law 103-150

Excuse me for mis speaking... The admission of Hawaii may have been Constitutional, but ethical? Hell no. The annexation of Hawaii was fought hard, and defeated in the Senate. The pro-annexation forces in Congress submitted a proposal to annex the Hawaiian Islands by joint resolution, which required only a simple majority vote in both houses. This eliminated the 2/3 majority needed to ratify a treaty, and by result, the necessary support was in place. House Joint Resolution 259, 55th Congress, 2nd session, known as the "Newlands Resolution," passed Congress and was signed into law by President McKinley on July 7, 1898.

The 1897 Petition Against the Annexation of Hawaii

SECONDLY, lol. McCain. Yes, having at least one American parent does make you a US Citizen. But if you are born in Panama, your state of being a Natural Born citizen is questionable. Federal law states that "Any person born in the Canal Zone on or after February 26, 1904, and whether before or after the effective date of this chapter, whose father or mother or both at the time of the birth of such person was or is a citizen of the United States, is declared to be a citizen of the United States". The law that conferred this status took effect on August 4, 1937, one year after John McCain was born. Honestly that one is still undecided.

Is he or is he not the definition of "Natural Born Citizen"?


Well-Known Member
...I have never once changed my opinion on your stance or changed anything in my argument, so it's my fault someone posted something in concurrence with what i think? My bad, I am sorry someone disagrees with you and agrees your views are twisted and strange.


Well-Known Member
Im going to have to retract my previous statement.

"the Native Hawaiian people never directly relinquished to the United States their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people over their national lands, either through the Kingdom of Hawaii or through a plebiscite or referendum"

Hawaii never gave up thier sovereignty... how could they become a state? That is the question.


Well-Known Member
RON PAUL for president 2008! (You know you want him)

Who do you believe?

The MainSream Media(MSM) and gov't. "The kids need the fluoride in the tap water" YouTube - Notebook: Bottled Water

Or scientists and doctors?
YouTube - Professional Perspectives: Fluoride in Tap Water
YouTube - Fluoride Poisoning
YouTube - Dangers of Fluoride

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________

YouTube - If You're an American you should see THIS! for real

YouTube - Alex Jones Predicts 911

YouTube - WTC 7 - Pull It By Larry Silverstein

YouTube - Here's something the government didn't want you to see

YouTube - FOX-5 Reports 9/11/01: WTC-7 Collapsed Before Actual Event

YouTube - 911 WTC Basement Explosions video and photographic proof

YouTube - Dick Cheney Exposed! - Excellent TV Doc

Richard Gage, AIA, Architect - "How The Towers Fell" - Complete 2 Hour Presentation | 911blogger.com

Zeitgeist - The Movie

(America; Freedom to Fascism)
America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version

(Ring of Power)
Ring of Power - Parts 1-5 - Sprword.com
Ring of Power - Parts 6-10 - Sprword.com

(The Money Masters)
The Money Masters - Part 1 of 2
The Money Masters - Part 2 of 2

(Esoteric Agenda)
Esoteric Agenda - Sprword.com

(End Game)
ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement

(The Great Global Warming Swindle)
The Great Global Warming Swindle - Channel: UKUFO on LiveVideo.com

After you educate yourself with these links you can clearly see that the media and gov't are sleeping together. You should also be aware that the media is trying to make us hate Iran (just like Iraq) by telling us all this BS propaganda. The MSM is owned by Zionist Jews and hence the wars in the middle east because of difference in religion and corrupt politics.

YouTube - Plans Against Dissidents "A widespread awakening is taking place. Especially,the truth about 911, and the reasons for the Iraq war are unfolding..... Operation- Garden Plot"

The REVOLUTION has begun!




Well-Known Member
No, he won't get the Republican nod. He probably will not go "third party" (presumably Libertarian), as they've backed (gack) Bob Barr. ugh.