Obama Presidency... Unconstitiutional?


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to read it because I don't really care that much. I was just offering my opinion. If they want to secede from the Union then I don't care.... let em. Until they do .... they are recognized as a State in the Union.... no matter what legal statue you post.
With all do respect Florida Girl, if you arent going to read what i posted, dont respond. Im not asking you to read 3 pages of speculation. These are YOUR countries laws, and how in the hell are we going to change ANYTHING if we dont simply pay attention... or care?

BTW..... This isn't the first time this argument about HI and Obama's right to run has come up. Hillary Clinton is a lawyer..... don't you think if there was a chance in hell this could be challenged legally that she would have fought it to the death in court?
*puts on tinfoil hat* Not if they are 2 different heads of the same beast.


Well-Known Member
That's very interesting, but makes me immediately wonder, what about those who are born in U.S. territories? Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S.V.I.? Once the U.S. gained these territories they did not immediately make the populations U.S. citizens. If I recollect correctly Puerto Ricans did not gain citizenship until sometime in the 1900s (in other words, I'm not sure my own grandparents were born as citizens, even though by the time they were born P.R. had been a U.S. territory for about 20 years).

What about other native peoples who were overrun by the U.S.?

What made you think of this, or where'd you find it?
I was watching this dvd of a lady (cant remember her name) speak and she said Alaska and Hawaii arent states. My first reaction was WTF! This lady is crazy... i would have heard of this by now. So i jumped on the good ol internet... low and behold i learned something.


Well-Known Member
Therefore, as of 1993 Hawaii is no longer a state. Please correct me if im wrong.

Since he was born after Hawaii was made a state and before 1993, I'd have to say he's qualified, so what's the problem here? I'd say in this respect, McSame has more of a problem, Last time I checked, Panama isn't a state or part of the USA, and nowhere that I know of does the constitution include US bases in foriegn lands, but I may be wrong. I doubt being an admirals son precludes the constitution.
Did a lil reading up about McCain...

Born on a naval base in Panama.

Constitution says a president must be a natural born citizen. If you are born in panama on a naval base, you are NOT a natural born citizen.

Two candidates, NEITHER eligible to be president of the U.S.

Aint that some shit?


Well-Known Member
You are incorrect.

I read it and the bulk of your argument rests on an apology to the people of Hawaii in a Joint Resolution of Congress and signed by President Clinton in 1993. Basically a proclamation, it does not enact any changes to the pre-existing law.
Which states...

"...Hawaiian people never directly relinquished to the United States their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people over their national lands, either through the Kingdom of Hawaii or through a plebiscite or referendum."

So if Hawaii was ADMITTED to never have constitutionally been a state... how does that not enact any change?


Well-Known Member
Did a lil reading up about McCain...

Born on a naval base in Panama.

Constitution says a president must be a natural born citizen. If you are born in panama on a naval base, you are NOT a natural born citizen.

Two candidates, NEITHER eligible to be president of the U.S.

Aint that some shit?
BINGO.... Neither one is eligible.... Sorry to disappoint either one of you Johnny or Vi, but GoodbyeFreedom is correct.


Well-Known Member
Well, I was all for being nice, but Logic is not in your argument, you are trying to stretch and manipulate a law to invalidate a very wanted runner. While I feel you original argument for Obama is a stretch I am very surprised Mccain's history as such has never been mentioned. Obama was born in hawaii, which regardless of what they wanted was a state of the union. Mccain though born in panama I am going to email obama RIGHT NOW. :blsmoke: :peace: just playin.


Well-Known Member
Well, I was all for being nice, but Logic is not in your argument, you are trying to stretch and manipulate a law to invalidate a very wanted runner. While I feel you original argument for Obama is a stretch I am very surprised Mccain's history as such has never been mentioned. Obama was born in hawaii, which regardless of what they wanted was a state of the union. Mccain though born in panama I am going to email obama RIGHT NOW. :blsmoke: :peace: just playin.
Dude, i dont have an agenda to push, other than TRUTH. Im asking all of you what you think, thats why i brought this out in the open like i did.

Its funny how you think the stuff about Obama is a "stretch" but you will surely and openly accept that McCains history is true. Did you even look over the evidence?


Well-Known Member
your so called evidence is him being born in a state, and you trying to invalidate that states sovrienty and all the people of that state. While Mccain was born in a completely different country. I am hard pressed to see how blind man could not see the difference in the two. Not that I really care to begin with, voting ron paul.


Well-Known Member
Hawaii has never been removed as a state, end of story. Clinton opened the opportunity for them to take action, are they, is obama part of the organization taking this action if there is a group, if no then I don't see the point at all.


Well-Known Member
Hawaii has never been removed as a state, end of story. Clinton opened the opportunity for them to take action, are they, is obama part of the organization taking this action if there is a group, if no then I don't see the point at all.
Because the same people who infiltrated and overthrew the Hawaiian government are STILL IN POWER!!! Dude the information is there... JFGI


Well-Known Member
I think you might want to put your tinfoil hat back on and close the blinds.

i cant resist the temptation of making you look stupid. LOL.

here we go:

Hawaii was a proud and independent nation when Capt. James Cook waded ashore in 1778. Hawaiians had run their own affairs for some 2,000 years. The kingdom signed trade and peace treaties with the United States, England and other foreign nations, each recognizing Hawaii's independence.
Flocks of American missionaries began arriving from Boston in 1820 and were welcomed warmly; many decided to stay on the islands rather than return to the frigid Northeast. Their new roots in paradise went deep: The missionaries became powerful sugar planters and politicians, often serving as advisers to the king.
The monarchy was weakened. The planters' powers were strengthened.
The United States was the biggest market for Hawaii's sugar. The transplanted planters longed for Hawaii to become part of the United States so they wouldn't have to worry about tariffs. The U.S. minister to Hawaii, John L. Stevens, was anxious to annex the islands as well.
Sensing this, Queen Liliuokalani was on the verge of imposing a new Constitution shifting power back to the monarchy - but she never got the chance.
On Jan. 16, 1893, U.S. Marines landed in Honolulu armed with Howitzer cannons and carbines. A group of 18 men - mostly American sugar farmers - staged a coup, proclaiming themselves the "provisional government" of Hawaii. Stevens gave immediate recognition to them as Hawaii's true government.
Imprisoned in Iolani Palace, Queen Liliuokalani issued a statement: "I yield to the superior force of the United States of America, whose minister, his excellency John L. Stevens, has caused United States troops to be landed at Honolulu. ... Now, to avoid any collision of armed forces and perhaps the loss of life, I do, under this protest, and impelled by said force, yield my authority until such time as the government of the United States shall undo the action of its representative and reinstate me."
President Grover Cleveland investigated the coup and fired Stevens. He apologized to the queen. And on Dec. 18, 1893, he briefed Congress on his findings:
"By an act of war, committed with the participation of a diplomatic representative of the United States and without authority of Congress, the government of a feeble but friendly and confiding people has been overthrown," Cleveland said. "A substantial wrong has thus been done, which a due regard for our national character, as well as the rights of the injured people, requires we should endeavor to repair."
Cleveland refused to approve the annexation of Hawaii. Soon, however, he was out of office, and President William McKinley gave it his blessing.
Said Sam Monet, a staunch independence proponent: "The Kingdom of Hawaii has never ceased to exist. No peace treaty between the U.S. and the kingdom of Hawaii has been signed. A state of war between the U.S. and the kingdom of Hawaii exists today."

Hawaii's annexation a story of betrayal


Well-Known Member
i cant resist the temptation of making you look stupid. LOL.
Annexation of Hawaii, 1898

America's annexation of Hawaii in 1898 extended U.S. territory into the Pacific and highlighted resulted from economic integration and the rise of the United States as a Pacific power. For most of the 1800s, leaders in Washington were concerned that Hawaii might become part of a European nation's empire. During the 1830s, Britain and France forced Hawaii to accept treaties giving them economic privileges. In 1842, Secretary of State Daniel Webster sent a letter to Hawaiian agents in Washington affirming U.S. interests in Hawaii and opposing annexation by any other nation. He also proposed to Great Britain and France that no nation should seek special privileges or engage in further colonization of the islands. In 1849, the United States and Hawaii concluded a treaty of friendship that served as the basis of official relations between the parties.
A key provisioning spot for American whaling ships, fertile ground for American protestant missionaries, and a new source of sugar cane production, Hawaii's economy became increasingly integrated with the United States. An 1875 trade reciprocity treaty further linked the two countries and U.S. sugar plantation owners from the United States came to dominate the economy and politics of the islands. When Queen Liliuokalani moved to establish a stronger monarchy, Americans under the leadership of Samuel Dole deposed her in 1893. The planters' belief that a coup and annexation by the United States would remove the threat of a devastating tariff on their sugar also spurred them to action. The administration of President Benjamin Harrison encouraged the takeover, and dispatched sailors from the USS Boston to the islands to surround the royal palace. The U.S. minister to Hawaii, John L. Stevens, worked closely with the new government.
Dole sent a delegation to Washington in 1894 seeking annexation, but the new President, Grover Cleveland, opposed annexation and tried to restore the Queen. Dole declared Hawaii an independent republic. Spurred by the nationalism aroused by the Spanish-American War, the United States annexed Hawaii in 1898 at the urging of President William McKinley. Hawaii was made a territory in 1900, and Dole became its first governor. Racial attitudes and party politics in the United States deferred statehood until a bipartisan compromise linked Hawaii's status to Alaska, and both became states in 1959.

Annexation of Hawaii, 1898


Well-Known Member
i cant resist the temptation of making you look stupid.

The U.S. annexation of the Hawaiian Islands on July 7, 1898, was the culmination of more than fifty years of growing U.S. commercial interests in Hawaii. During the second half of the nineteenth century, American investors in the sugar industry gradually increased their control over the islands' economic and political life. In 1887 they arranged to overthrow the local rulers and establish a government more favorable to their interests. But in 1891 they suffered a setback, when the new queen, Liliuokalani, replaced the liberal constitution they had secured with one giving her extensive personal powers.
A revolutionary "committee of safety," organized by Sanford B. Dole and apparently supported by the U.S. minister to Hawaii, called in U.S. Marines from a nearby cruiser (ostensibly to protect American lives) and established a new government with Dole as president. The U.S. minister, on his own authority, recognized the new provisional government and proclaimed Hawaii an American protectorate on February 1, 1893.
Dole's representatives submitted a draft treaty of annexation to the U.S. Senate, but Democratic opponents managed to delay approval until Grover Cleveland became president in March. Cleveland immediately ordered an investigation, which revealed that the revolution had been imposed by the sugar planters and that most Hawaiians did not want annexation. A new U.S. minister was sent to Hawaii, instructed to restore Queen Liliuokalani to the throne on condition that she reinstate the liberal 1887 constitution. President Dole, however, refused to step aside; he continued to rule and in 1894 proclaimed the independent Republic of Hawaii. Unwilling to dislodge the government by force, Cleveland reluctantly recognized it, but he refused to approve annexation.
His successor, President William McKinley, however, negotiated a new treaty in 1897. Although Democrats and anti-imperialists delayed its ratification for more than a year, the use of the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor during the Spanish-American War dramatized Hawaii's strategic importance. When it became clear that the administration still could not get the two-thirds vote necessary for ratification, annexation was approved instead by joint resolution of Congress, which required only a majority vote. In 1900, Hawaii was made a territory, with Dole as governor. In 1959, it was admitted as the fiftieth state in the Union.

Hawaii Annexation: Information and Much More from Answers.com