Obama asks Congress to go to war.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad Chezzz gets the part about punting and painful blame shifting in an Adversarial, 3 Branch System.

Surely, some group will be pontificating before SCROCTUS about this, at some point.


Well-Known Member
Too bad. Like I said. It takes both. I hire and fire on this point alone.

The most intelligent of us are sometimes the most imponderable as to why this stupid thinking. You perhaps? They get fired when they show the want a pass for stupid behavior. And I will hire, the 5 with street smarts that can work together, before I hire ONE brainiac that cannot. Phd. is not for the real world, imo. Unless you are Real.

That is the difference. Have you ever heard of Street smart vs book knowledge? And when you have both and can see and exploit the differences in yourself and others that becomes what is known as Formidable.

So, in the Real I see a formidable, actual, hard ass, President that is surely capable of making you think anything. And you can think what you want. Believe it or not only the Formidable for the time can be President.

Check the record.


Well-Known Member
Too bad. Like I said. It takes both. I hire and fire on this point alone.

The most intelligent of us are sometimes the most imponderable as to why this to stupid thinking. You perhaps? They get fired when they show the want a pass for stupid behavior. And I will hire, the 5 with street smarts that can work together, before I hire ONE brainiac that cannot. Phd. is not for the real world, imo. Unless you are Real.

That is the difference. Have you ever heard of Street smart vs book knowledge? And when you have both and can see and exploit the differences in yourself and others that becomes what is known as Formidable.

So, in the Real I see a formidable, actual, hard ass, President that is surely capable of making you think anything. And you can think what you want. Believe it or not only the Formidable for the time can be President.

Check the record.
You never put it in that context before.
What I'm saying is street smarts is the same thing as street intelligence, and book smarts is the same thing as book intelligence.


Well-Known Member
Sure, that may be so. But your extreme distaste for him has made you come to this definite conclusion without an ounce of doubt. I am just trying to point out how polarizing we are. Regardless of the speculations of the reasoning behind his decision, why should we rail him for actually making an attempt to follow the constitution?

and lets be realistic, there are more than two decisions here. The only decisions aren't either absolutely no war and full on troops on the ground bloodshed. Should we allow governments to gas their citizens without any repercussions?

I certainly feel that we should stay out of it, however not seeing the other view point as reasonable is a little silly I feel. High five to Obama for making this a public debate with the peoples reps.
"A shit leopard doesn't change their spots, Randy"

Cite evidence Assad was behind the chemical attack and not your soon-to-be Al Queda allies?


Well-Known Member
I agree anytime we go to war with anyone it should get Congressional approval. I don't car who the President is. But why do we have to go to war? Isn't this something the UN should handle? Isn't this why the UN exists? I wouldn't mind participating in a UN strike to neutralize the chemical threat, but to go in as support and logistics to a multinational force.

We do not want to get in the middle of a civil/religious war.


Well-Known Member
Alright. So are we going in to help the Al Queda Rebels or not? This is getting nerve racking. What members from the Muslim Brotherhood will take control of the Syrian government after Al Queda raises its flag over the capital?


Well-Known Member
Alright. So are we going in to help the Al Queda Rebels or not? This is getting nerve racking. What members from the Muslim Brotherhood will take control of the Syrian government after Al Queda raises its flag over the capital?
Yeah it worked out real well for them in Egypt

BTW the republicans were screaming Obama had to do something to help the protesters out in Egypt Before Mubarak was overthrown


Well-Known Member
Alright. So are we going in to help the Al Queda Rebels or not? This is getting nerve racking. What members from the Muslim Brotherhood will take control of the Syrian government after Al Queda raises its flag over the capital?
Yeah, I know man. But, look on the bright side. In the Fog of War we go in and do dirty deeds under the cover of the confusion and battle fatigue. I hope you aren't falling for this idea of the America, trying to win or finish anything. We are in Jefferson's War, still. And is to our best interest to keep it seriously fucked up. For 2 Centuries now, long before the oil, we have meddled against Sunni Jihad.


Well-Known Member
"A shit leopard doesn't change their spots, Randy"

Cite evidence Assad was behind the chemical attack and not your soon-to-be Al Queda allies?
Like i said, I personally don't feel we should be involved and I am humble enough to admit that I don't know without a reasonable doubt whether it was the rebels or the government that chem bombed the people. Both sides have been killing innocent civilians for years. Assad and his father both have a history of attacking civilians, that much is undeniable. Regardless, I am happy to hear this will actually (Hopefully) be debated in congress.


Well-Known Member
Like i said, I personally don't feel we should be involved and I am humble enough to admit that I don't know without a reasonable doubt whether it was the rebels or the government that chem bombed the people. Both sides have been killing innocent civilians for years. Assad and his father both have a history of attacking civilians, that much is undeniable. Regardless, I am happy to hear this will actually (Hopefully) be debated in congress.
We have been involved for a couple of years now. All those surplus AK47s from Iraq?
MANPADs from Libya?

Where do you think they went?
nd who helped them get there?

Benghazi was all about supplying Syrian rebels. It was a CIA outpost not a "diplomatic Mission" And I said that from day one. Go check and see


Well-Known Member
We have been involved for a couple of years now. All those surplus AK47s from Iraq?
MANPADs from Libya?

Where do you think they went?
nd who helped them get there?

Benghazi was all about supplying Syrian rebels. It was a CIA outpost not a "diplomatic Mission" And I said that from day one. Go check and see
Not sure where I said we haven't been involved?


Active Member
It seems that Obama is going to ask Congress if they think we should attack Syria for using chemical weapons. This is after stating that he does not need it, and after the "red line" has been supposedly crossed. What do you think? Does this show weakness on his part by passing the buck, and diminish his standing at home and in the world? Or is it a pragmatic decision that he can fall back on in case the war goes badly. One last question, will Congress give him the green light, or bow to popular sentiment in this country, and stay out of Syria?
This shows how weak he is...he didn't need "approval"...he could have shown some backbone and acted decisively and independently, but was too much of a coward in chief...

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
If the president goes through the proper constitutional channels, he is a bitch

If the president goes to war on his own whim, he is an oppressive authoritarian hell bent on destroying 'merica

Even Fox News has an article out saying that this time Obama is wrong and he has the authority to bomb Syria without congressional approval they had to have written two stories and either way Obama is a birth certificate printing, constitution burning, money stealing, death panel creating, Muslim, Marxist, merica killer who we should blame the worlds woes on....wake the fuck up people one person is not responsible for all this shit
Proper constitutional channels has nothing to do with morality.

stoned cockatoo

New Member
I'd like to see congress say no, then watch Obama interfere anyway.

John Kerry said in an interview when asked what would happen if congress did say no.. his reply was 'we are not going to lose this vote'

seems like the decision has been made behind the curtain now they are just waiting for the 9th, probably going to see some other crazy false flag between then to stir the pot and stir the pot some more

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
You never put it in that context before.
What I'm saying is street smarts is the same thing as street intelligence, and book smarts is the same thing as book intelligence.
I don't want to get involved, but enough is enough.

Smart has to do with appearance that is organized. So if you have a smart whit, that would imply intelligent behavior. But it can also apply to dress and means you have stylish clothes.

Intelligence deals with acquiring something, such as knowledge (data) or a skill set.

Smart when meaning intelligence alone, is an American slang term. I was so bored in my senior year of high school, I read the dictionary to pass the time.


Well-Known Member
Thank you. Smart referred to, outside of the dumber down America, is distinct. It refer to actions, ie, you are not so smart, I guess.

"Stupid is as Stupid does, Sir." Forest Gump


Well-Known Member
Hey, FW, if someone said that you were an "intelligent dresser" instead of smart, that would mean they just called you a Nerd. :)


Well-Known Member
This shows how weak he is...he didn't need "approval"...he could have shown some backbone and acted decisively and independently, but was too much of a coward in chief...
So you advocate he doesnt go to congress?

Is that when you will call him a war monger constitution hating Kenyan?


Active Member
So you advocate he doesnt go to congress?

Is that when you will call him a war monger constitution hating Kenyan?
Yes, I think he should have ALREADY intervened on behalf of the hundreds of kids whose lungs were burned to a crisp in excruciating pain, instead of seeking "approval" to balance and boost his future historical legacy...face it...Obama is a coward who thinks of his "place in history" before his duty to humanity as the commander (or coward) in chief of the most powerful (and thus most accountable) country in the world...