Obama asks Congress to go to war.


Well-Known Member
It seems that Obama is going to ask Congress if they think we should attack Syria for using chemical weapons. This is after stating that he does not need it, and after the "red line" has been supposedly crossed. What do you think? Does this show weakness on his part by passing the buck, and diminish his standing at home and in the world? Or is it a pragmatic decision that he can fall back on in case the war goes badly. One last question, will Congress give him the green light, or bow to popular sentiment in this country, and stay out of Syria?


Well-Known Member
Personally, my opinion doesn't mean squat.... I have found this decision by B O'B... very-berry interesting.... it now makes B O'B, the smartest man in the room....


Well-Known Member
If he is going to ask Congress then he is doing the right thing. Thats the way our system has been setup to run via the constitution. Honestly, I'm surprised he even knows that.
I just don't see a need to put it up for a vote. So why? Muslims are killing muslims, and arabs are killing arabs. What else is new? Chemical weapons or not, Syria is of no threat to the USA, and should just stay out of it. Its not our fight. Obama knows this. It is all politically driven. Hes an egotistical maniac. Name one other person who as written an auto biography in their mid 20s.


Well-Known Member
If he is going to ask Congress then he is doing the right thing. Thats the way our system has been setup to run via the constitution. Honestly, I'm surprised he even knows that.
I just don't see a need to put it up for a vote. So why? Muslims are killing muslims, and arabs are killing arabs. What else is new? Chemical weapons or not, Syria is of no threat to the USA, and should just stay out of it. Its not our fight. Obama knows this. It is all politically driven. Hes an egotistical maniac. Name one other person who as written an auto biography in their mid 20s.
I was going agree with you, but I see you are too partisan with the cheap shots. That means you are believing the bullshit.

Hey, read this slower.....

He is a Constitutional Lawyer of the Highest Caliber. And since he throws it past all the bozos that means he is damn good at it.

Even slower.....

This is Jefferson's War. Every President has conducted it in one way or another against Sunni extremism Jihad, since the Founding.

This is conducting that War. It was never declared even in the Barbary Day. But, Congress has funded it, ever since.

I have posted chapter and verse. I have revised my position I had earlier about Iran. They are also being plowed and tilled by the Sunni. An Enemy of our Enemy.


Well-Known Member
I was going agree with you, but I see you are too partisan with the cheap shots. That means you are believing the bullshit.

Hey, read this slower.....

He is a Constitutional Lawyer of the Highest Caliber. And since he throws it past all the bozos that means he is damn good at it.

Even slower.....

This is Jefferson's War. Every President has conducted it in one way or another against Sunni extremism Jihad, since the Founding.

This is conducting that War. It was never declared even in the Barbary Day. But, Congress has funded it, ever since.

I have posted chapter and verse. I have revised my position I had earlier about Iran. They are also being plowed and tilled by the Sunni. An Enemy of our Enemy.

Obama went to law school at liberal Harvard. With his radical and racist professors like Derrick Bell. He was never a constitutional law professor (despite his claims) And he won't release his college transcripts, so how do you know all these things you say about how smart he is?

The only thing "even slower" is your brain. When has the United States ever gone to war with Syria? You need to cite your sources.


Well-Known Member
Obama went to law school at liberal Harvard. He was never a constitutional law professor (despite his claims) And he won't release his college transcripts, so how do you know all these things you say about how smart he is?

The only thing "even slower" is your brain. When has the United States ever gone to war with Syria? You need to cite your sources.
I will not repeat myself. I said it all; before. Look it up. I didn't say professor and I did not say smart.
I spoke of the Real and you read in your fantasy.

You make these false arguments and show that you are either indulging in Sophistry, or if not you are simply re-gurging the Party line. Pure Sophistry, by Definition, any party line.

I won't try to explain it again. Maybe E can take a crack at explaining Jefferson's War. And he is not even a citizen of these US, but still a Freeman and Citizen of the Commonwealth. But, he has no partisan.

If you don't know that this is un-ending Sunni Jihad, you don't know shit about it and are still in the Partisan Bicker Room.

I am not. Read what I say even slower, and don't sub in your own words. If you do, you are a hack.


Well-Known Member
Hey Sophist Maroon. Highlight where I said the word "smart."

You said that again, bozo. :)

Oxygen deprived? Breath deeper.


Well-Known Member
So you're one of those?

Hey Doer, you're the most intelligent, sophisticated man I know of the highest caliber.

But you're not smart.
If you see no distinction between intellect and smarts, that is because maybe a person needs both to see it?

See that is why the Experts run us in circles. We think there is only one meaning of IS. In the rule of Law, every word counts but the experts are sure to be using Double Talk. Don't you think?

I don't see a difference in any President on Jefferson's War. It isn't even called that. It is un-mentioned. Now that we know what to look for, that is what I am discussing.

You cannot get me into the Bicker Room. I don't take sides. I look for the Real on the 50 yard line.


Well-Known Member
Obama is doing the right thing, no? Unlike his predecessors, he is attempting to use the constitutional process and allow for Congress to make the decision. whether he does the right thing following their decision remains to be seen, however insulting him for this decision seems a little silly.

Its becoming more apparent that our biggest problem is partisanship and this idea that the opposing party is completely evil, regardless of what decisions are made.


bud bootlegger
Obama is doing the right thing, no? Unlike his predecessors, he is attempting to use the constitutional process and allow for Congress to make the decision. whether he does the right thing following their decision remains to be seen, however insulting him for this decision seems a little silly.

Its becoming more apparent that our biggest problem is partisanship and this idea that the opposing party is completely evil, regardless of what decisions are made.
or more so imvho, that your party, which ever side you may fall on, is infallible .. something buck has clearly shown my to not to be true..


Well-Known Member
Obama is doing the right thing, no? Unlike his predecessors, he is attempting to use the constitutional process and allow for Congress to make the decision. whether he does the right thing following their decision remains to be seen, however insulting him for this decision seems a little silly.

Its becoming more apparent that our biggest problem is partisanship and this idea that the opposing party is completely evil, regardless of what decisions are made.
It would SEEM he's doing the correct thing, when in reality he's setting Congress up as the fall guy.

Dont think he's respecting the "constitutional process", he's proven he doesn't give a toss about that but he knows the American public has no stomach for war, especially undeclared wars so he's passing the buck to Congress now.

It goes well Barry will take the praise, what a peacemaker and protector of innocents he is.

It goes badly he says "Congress voted for it".


Well-Known Member
It would SEEM he's doing the correct thing, when in reality he's setting Congress up as the fall guy.

Dont think he's respecting the "constitutional process", he's proven he doesn't give a toss about that but he knows the American public has no stomach for war, especially undeclared wars so he's passing the buck to Congress now.

It goes well Barry will take the praise, what a peacemaker and protector of innocents he is.

It goes badly he says "Congress voted for it".

Sure, that may be so. But your extreme distaste for him has made you come to this definite conclusion without an ounce of doubt. I am just trying to point out how polarizing we are. Regardless of the speculations of the reasoning behind his decision, why should we rail him for actually making an attempt to follow the constitution?

and lets be realistic, there are more than two decisions here. The only decisions aren't either absolutely no war and full on troops on the ground bloodshed. Should we allow governments to gas their citizens without any repercussions?

I certainly feel that we should stay out of it, however not seeing the other view point as reasonable is a little silly I feel. High five to Obama for making this a public debate with the peoples reps.


Well-Known Member
If the president goes through the proper constitutional channels, he is a bitch

If the president goes to war on his own whim, he is an oppressive authoritarian hell bent on destroying 'merica

Even Fox News has an article out saying that this time Obama is wrong and he has the authority to bomb Syria without congressional approval they had to have written two stories and either way Obama is a birth certificate printing, constitution burning, money stealing, death panel creating, Muslim, Marxist, merica killer who we should blame the worlds woes on....wake the fuck up people one person is not responsible for all this shit


Well-Known Member
If the president goes through the proper constitutional channels, he is a bitch

If the president goes to war on his own whim, he is an oppressive authoritarian hell bent on destroying 'merica

Even Fox News has an article out saying that this time Obama is wrong and he has the authority to bomb Syria without congressional approval they had to have written two stories and either way Obama is a birth certificate printing, constitution burning, money stealing, death panel creating, Muslim, Marxist, merica killer who we should blame the worlds woes on....wake the fuck up people one person is not responsible for all this shit
(Buck...pssttt...hey.....did he just say that even Fox News says Obama is wrong, this time..? He said that, right?) coolit...ah hem.

I must let the partisan dither and fiddle about....wait (huh, right..restock the fish pond, got it)

I painfully disagree.


Well-Known Member
If the president goes through the proper constitutional channels, he is a bitch

If the president goes to war on his own whim, he is an oppressive authoritarian hell bent on destroying 'merica

Even Fox News has an article out saying that this time Obama is wrong and he has the authority to bomb Syria without congressional approval they had to have written two stories and either way Obama is a birth certificate printing, constitution burning, money stealing, death panel creating, Muslim, Marxist, merica killer who we should blame the worlds woes on....wake the fuck up people one person is not responsible for all this shit
Couldnt of said it better myself.
If congress apporves or disaproves it doesnt matter. They will try to make Obama to be the bad guy no matter what. Or say he has no leadership skills because he went thru congress