o shite emergency!!!!!!!!


Active Member
ok so a 42w cfl just fell on my 2in tall seedling that was on its 3node....

by the time i noticed it the plant was all dropped and crusty.

i pour tons of water to help it recover but idk if thats gonna be enuf..

so do u think it has a chance....

srry bout the pic it was taken with my laptops webcam.



Active Member

and btw its not black its still green but its just droppy a a motha fucka.
its hard to see in the pic.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you are only a few days in. Just start over, and be a little bot more cautious on your next plant!


Well-Known Member
Damn dude, same thing happened but my little baby was only burnt on 1 side but he still turned out male. Light burning stress in my experience turns your babies into boys so unless you want to keep some pollen or something, try again


Active Member
im thinking all you can really do is keep watering it like normal and see what happens.good luck to you.


Active Member
im gonna keep it but i just wanna know if its possible that it will survive... the stem is still strong its just the leaves have just dropped alot and one set of lkeave was crusty and crumbled away when i touched it


Active Member
and it wasnt tons of water it was about a beer pong cup that i let drain through , and i poured it around the stem not on the plant.


Well-Known Member
I'm tellin you man, this same thing happened to me and I ended up wasting resources on a male I had to kill off anyway
The fact that your plant is "crispy" or "crusty" in spots due to the light burn shows that it has been stressed out by the experience

You want a male?


Well-Known Member
Why not keep it as an experiment then? Try doing everything you want to try out on it before trying them on your lovely ladies. You could LST, Top, FIM, cut fan leaves in a staircase pattern, supercrop, experiment with the water/air/light, learn how a plant responds to specific environmental stimuli/lack of stimuli by like playing music or setting up natural and organic scents like orange peels or lemon peels in like a dish near the grow area or whatever the hell you want to give a go
It is definitely a learning process that requires research and development/testing


Well-Known Member
There's absolutely no documentation proving that dropping a light on a plant or getting light to close to a plant will turn it male. A seed's sex is already determined by how the seed was formed. Certain factors may influence the plant to create hermaphrodite ( NOT MALE ) tendencies, but those will usually only show themselves as the plant is being exposed to (usually severe heat) stress later in the flowering cycle. Don't forget, it's a WEED. The plant will bounce back fine, it just may take a couple days to generate some new growth & get back on track.

Or you could just put orange peels near your pot like the previous poster suggested & leave your plant susceptible to mold & mildew & other nasties.

Whatever you do, don't over water your plant. That's never a solution for anything other than flushing for severe nutrient burn.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I was just speaking about my experience. Plus, I never said anything about leaving peels, I change mine out every other day and I have only seen good things come from it. I don't have any bugs and my grow room smells like citrus and I like to think my plants are retaining the scent a little bit at least. Whats wrong with a bit of experimentation?


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I was just speaking about my experience. Plus, I never said anything about leaving peels, I change mine out every other day and I have only seen good things come from it. I don't have any bugs and my grow room smells like citrus and I like to think my plants are retaining the scent a little bit at least. Whats wrong with a bit of experimentation?
If you want a citrus smelling weed get some sour diesel, orange bud, grapefruit or lemon skunk then. Just because you haven't developed pests or mold from doing something like that doesn't mean someone else wouldn't. As far as your experience with a plant turning male, believe me, it was male to begin with. Male is male, female is female, hermie is hermie.


Well-Known Member
That is interesting and I'd like to educate myself more on the topic, do you by chance have any links to sites that may have this information? I'm quite curious and want to learn more

Thanks for correcting me, yo


Active Member
There's absolutely no documentation proving that dropping a light on a plant or getting light to close to a plant will turn it male. A seed's sex is already determined by how the seed was formed. Certain factors may influence the plant to create hermaphrodite ( NOT MALE ) tendencies, but those will usually only show themselves as the plant is being exposed to (usually severe heat) stress later in the flowering cycle. Don't forget, it's a WEED. The plant will bounce back fine, it just may take a couple days to generate some new growth & get back on track.

Or you could just put orange peels near your pot like the previous poster suggested & leave your plant susceptible to mold & mildew & other nasties.

Whatever you do, don't over water your plant. That's never a solution for anything other than flushing for severe nutrient burn.
Please know what your talking about before you make such false statements e.g.( A seed's sex is already determined by how the seed was formed.) go study botany and horticulture PLEASE. Any marijuana seed created from a regular breeding program has the potential to be male or female the environment it is reared in determines the male female ratio unless the seeds have been altered in some fashion to show differentiated traits e.g.(feminized)
If you really don't want to let it die, don't no one here can tell you what or what not to do with your own plant, but they can tell you what they would do if it was them.

If I were you I would keep it, but I would start to grow another just in case, because I hate wasting my time on things :)


Active Member
well i think im gonna kill it and start two new seed cuz i have very limited space, its sucks to lose something when u get this far in(only 2 weeks but that feels like ages)