Nutrient Deficiency Can't Figure This One Out!

so i have them in 5 gallon buckets, i just started LST today and i was just wondering if anyone had any comments on how i tied them up, also for how big they are, can anyone provide a rough gestimate on how much i should be watering? just want to make sure im not over wattering em



Well-Known Member
so i have them in 5 gallon buckets, i just started LST today and i was just wondering if anyone had any comments on how i tied them up, also for how big they are, can anyone provide a rough gestimate on how much i should be watering? just want to make sure im not over wattering em
Your tie down looks fine, as for gestimate as to how much you should water That's easy, you should water to 20% runoff when the soil dries out, not just the top layer of soil, if you stick your finger in and pull back damp it's wet enough.
Basically just stick to the same watering method that every single article,book, and post about cannabis growing you've read and researched has told you. It's so rare to find anything that almost everyone with this little hobby agrees on and how to water seems to be the one shining light of agreement I've discovered..........that and don't tell anyone!

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Plants lookin good now! The idea is to keep the soil about as wet as a damp rag all the time. Using buckets be sure to have drain holes or you could easily have standing water in the base layers which could get anaerobic & cause issues.
When you water these lift them up to determine the weight so you know how heavy they are. When they get light...say every 2-3 days that's a good time to water them. Stick a finger in there to be sure. It's better to water lightly more often than heavily & further between. The only other suggestion I would make is to mulch the top layer of your pots which helps retain moisture.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Your tie down looks fine, as for gestimate as to how much you should water That's easy, you should water to 20% runoff when the soil dries out, not just the top layer of soil, if you stick your finger in and pull back damp it's wet enough.
Basically just stick to the same watering method that every single article,book, and post about cannabis growing you've read and researched has told you. It's so rare to find anything that almost everyone with this little hobby agrees on and how to water seems to be the one shining light of agreement I've discovered..........that and don't tell anyone!
:mrgreen: I don'
Your use of the words "every single" as far as watering methods given by "article, book and post," are not exactly correct either! Many books do not suggest "water to run off in any %!" The method I use is taught!

I water a metered amount everyday and get more O2 to the roots........Amounts are directly tied to pot size and plant's point in it's growth. The amount used carries it perfectly to the next day...It's almost an art and you learn it......why?

Because you get more o2 to the roots.
The pH does not remain low for somewhat extended periods. (You water soil and it drops in pH. As the soil dries it will raise at a proportional rate back to it's "norm".)
You get a better more "even" nutrient up-take.
Has a more positive effect on the soils living biome in organics.

Over the years, I have found this to be far more effective then ANY "run off method" ......
Most house plants are water everyday for the reasons I do it with cannabis!

NO shinning light here dude! :peace: :-)


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen: I don'
Your use of the words "every single" as far as watering methods given by "article, book and post," are not exactly correct either! Many books do not suggest "water to run off in any %!" The method I use is taught!Sounds cool, I'm always open to trying something new, and I can't argue with your results, thanks for the info d

I water a metered amount everyday and get more O2 to the roots........Amounts are directly tied to pot size and plant's point in it's growth. The amount used carries it perfectly to the next day...It's almost an art and you learn it......why?

Because you get more o2 to the roots.
The pH does not remain low for somewhat extended periods. (You water soil and it drops in pH. As the soil dries it will raise at a proportional rate back to it's "norm".)
You get a better more "even" nutrient up-take.
Has a more positive effect on the soils living biome in organics.

Over the years, I have found this to be far more effective then ANY "run off method" ......
Most house plants are water everyday for the reasons I do it with cannabis!

NO shinning light here dude! :peace: :-)
sounds cool and I'm always open to try something different, and I can't argue with your results, thanks for the info doc!


Well-Known Member
Iam starting to get to know some smart ass frikin growers here. I came on this site like a flippin know it all probably.....and have got my ass schooled in more ways than one. I appreciate it. Humility keeps me on my toes. Growers can get stuck in thier ways with an ego..alot. And iam no exception. You guys are some damn fine growers.....sorry off topic. I just had to tell it like it is.


Well-Known Member
How in the hell do people expect to grow cannabis when they know nothing about growing anything to start?
Is there a sign at the gate to RIU that says "Start Here"?

READ something first! No shortage of books on the subject out there! Learn to grow an African Violet.....If you can get that to flower......You can grow cannabis!

Sorry dude,,,,,nothing personal ok? Sometimes it gets thick around here...
Whats even funnier is people saying nute burn


Well-Known Member
Iam starting to get to know some smart ass frikin growers here. I came on this site like a flippin know it all probably.....and have got my ass schooled in more ways than one. I appreciate it. Humility keeps me on my toes. Growers can get stuck in thier ways with an ego..alot. And iam no exception. You guys are some damn fine growers.....sorry off topic. I just had to tell it like it is.
Truth is Even a Jedi Ninja grower lol Can get baffled there is always room to learn and for the ones that think they know there shit truth is they may think it but curve balls are curve balls ..
getting tired of people getting lazy much easier to post another thread on thousands of threads identical ,,
Is sickening Google is so simple for anyone that has a symptom on a plant simple just type why are my leafs pale or what causes leafs to yellow And i guarantee you will get
some ideas like over watering , ph issues and most common mistake proper RATIOS of nutrients


Well-Known Member
Not to mention is hard as hell to diagnose a problem in someones garden on the forums even with pictures. When i have a problem with plants looking funky it can be so many different things. Deficincies....over feed...under they can all look the same alot of times. I chase that shit down myself. Alot of times especially with new strains i introduce it takes me a round to get them dialed in my setup. And ive been growing for decades. For Blue Petrol females from seed gave me problems for a minute. Everything else was looking great. I saw a magnesium problem along with colder root zone temps. Cal mag was used and it shouldn't have been. I was making it worse with all the calcium. I got her now. But this goes to show....growers no matter how experienced....shit happens.


Well-Known Member
Another thing too. I was getting the feeling my Bluelab Combo was getting wierd. I have a cheap hm aqua tds pen i hardly ever use....just for back up. Sure as shit my ec probe needing a good cleaning. Built up with brown humic residue since a few months back. I got the blue lab cleaning kit that i obviously hardly ever use. Once i cleaned it it gave me a 0.2 or about 120 ppm increase in true readings. PH perobe needed cleaning too. I use my combo quite often and it all clicked when my plants started looking better. Keep your testing meters and probes cleaned and calibrated folks. Your plants will thank you for it.


Well-Known Member
I know just from all the newish growers that ive met in the last few years the most common mistakes. Over water....under and over feed...over veg (this is VERY COMMON) too high of temperatures in the room or tent...picking the crop too early....drying and curing all fukt up...and not knowing they got spider mites before its gets out of hand. By far i see these as the most common. And back in the day....i sure as hell made them....still do sometimes.
I do alot of my own research but the reason i posted pictures was because i had it singled down to 2 deficiencies i thought it could be, all im looking for is opinions on my personal grow, from other growers who have been around the block, based on the pictures provided. i do appreciate constructive criticism because there is always room to learn! i watered about 3/4 gallon through the top soil, and then put about 1/4 gallon of water in a tray and let each one suck that up. as a reminder they are in 5 gallon buckets. any comments on this is appreciated.
I know just from all the newish growers that ive met in the last few years the most common mistakes. Over water....under and over feed...over veg (this is VERY COMMON) too high of temperatures in the room or tent...picking the crop too early....drying and curing all fukt up...and not knowing they got spider mites before its gets out of hand. By far i see these as the most common. And back in the day....i sure as hell made them....still do sometimes.
please tell me about over veg


Well-Known Member
I grow in coco coir. I have to use catch saucers because of clearance issues in my basement. Runoff tables just cut me too short. I use small 1.5" pvc pipe cut for "risers" so my pots arent sitting in saucer runoff. I suck this up with a shop vac. You might not want to let your pot bottoms sitting in this water. If you have an ec or tds meter....stick thag sumbitch in that saucer water one might read really high in salts. You dont want that being wicked back up into the root zone. Get rid of it. Always feed and water top down. Empty saucers with whatever is left over.


Well-Known Member
Over veg happens to new and experienced growers (not nearly as much) when dealing with unknown strains. You veg them to a certain height. Then cut the photoperiod down to initiate the flowering period. What happens alot of times is the plants continue to grow for the first gew weeks and get way to close to the lamp(s) and generally crowd out bud sites and get unruly. You end up with crispy shit for tops and larfy lowers buds with alot of stem and leaf.....killing your prime objective of growing a bunch of top quality A+ colas. Canopy managment is huge when u want maximum yields. You can have everything dialed in like a pro and fuck it all up with over vegging and not managing that canopy to get the most buds possible. You have to flip the lights at the right time and have prime top branches staked...tied down...or net trellis to do it rite and with new unknown strains you dont really know when this is. Keep just a few different varieties and grow them over and over and eventually you will know them strains like the back of your hand.....getting the most them genetics have to offer....every time. For me what happens is alot of the time i get a strain really dialed iam sick of the smoke or just bored with it so i move onto different stuff....repeating the cycle. You kind of get used to it and it just never stops. Its what makes you a real tried and true cannabis farmer. I love it actually.
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Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I do alot of my own research but the reason i posted pictures was because i had it singled down to 2 deficiencies i thought it could be, all im looking for is opinions on my personal grow, from other growers who have been around the block, based on the pictures provided. i do appreciate constructive criticism because there is always room to learn! i watered about 3/4 gallon through the top soil, and then put about 1/4 gallon of water in a tray and let each one suck that up. as a reminder they are in 5 gallon buckets. any comments on this is appreciated.
How about I say this first.
When posting a problem. We need quality information... Posting a pic of a few leaves is not conductive to any of us figuring out and answering with quality solutions.....Posting pics of the whole plant and the effected area are FAR more helpful!

You should also supply us with the following information, because sure as shit I'm going to ask a good deal of them! Pics can be worth a thousand words BUT, they don't tell the story!!!

What media your in - Soil ? What brand? How big is the pot? Add anything to the soil?
Hydro? What style or method? Ebb, DWC, DTW or Coco (Coco is a hydro method in my book - not a true soil method. many hydro rules apply that have NO correlation to actual soil.)

What is the water source? RO, tap, well or [god forbid] distilled....How often do you water and how much?

What are you feeding with (Brand, what products are they - don't just say FF or GH)? List everything you add/supplement (like Ca/Mg, Silica, kelp extract, etc,etc - EVERYTHING that goes in!!). How often do you feed and how much?

Sometimes the answers can lead to very specific questions about something your doing and that will zero us in on how to "fix" the problem along with telling you WHAT the problem is!

Just by looking at the plants you have in the pics you gave - under feeding and needing some supplements is most likely the problem....BUT,,,I need to know the answers to the questions......

As far as your watering goes.....How long between waterings do you go?
5 gallon pots get 6 cups daily in "bloom" (counting that as after the stretch) in my garden.
For you, I would not water the tray......I do it once in a while if they are doing heavy up take and I feel they need the bottom of the soil damper..

Your in 5 gallon pots now? Kinda early don't you think?

I go from rooted clone or seedling to Solo cups. When roots begin to curl the bottom, I up pot to 1 gallons. Curl again to 2 gallon pots and when they are at the point to almost flip the lighting - BOOM, into 5 gallon pots and they get 10 days to spread roots and in they go to the bloom room.......I do a 2 part water only organic soil.....The soil at the 5 gallon is the "bloom" formula soil......I build my own soils.....

I have done this for just weeks short of 43 years and I still learn things and always will....