Nutes for Clones, Which Ones


New Member
i have 3 week clones, i dont know what kinda of nutes to give them..

ive heard high phophrus but then i heard to give them veg nutes..

Which is it??

also why are the tips of the clone leaves cut off??


Well-Known Member
both you want veg nutes ie nitrogen to help her grow and phosphorus to help her build strong roots, start at 1/4st and work up slwly and watch how she responds

the leaves were cut off then she trimmed so there was less leaf matter for the clone to have to keep alive while it was trying to grow roots. i do it to all my clones, your plant will be fine

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
if your going to veg. more than give them veg. nutes
if you go to flowering give them flowering nutes.
i use the foxfarms organics and solubles. a lot of different nutes around, you just have to research whats best for you to use.

the tips of the leaves are cut off so the plant wont transpire as much because there was no roots to uptake the water to replace it.