Now we know why Rubio was sweating bullets


New Member
hmm, so the government, under pressure from marxist revolutionaries cracked down on everybody (as autocratic governments usually do) and thus castro (the marxist revolutionary in question) had NOTHING to do with the early waves of the cuban dfaspora.

youre a true genius.

people fled the sandinistas AND the contras,
people fed baby doc's regime AND the military junta that replaced it.
people are still feeing both the right wing guatemalan government and the left wing narco-marxist insurgents

i guess nobody fled from eastern europe before the iron curtain went up either, since n0obody knew how badly the soviets would fuck up half the world for the next 60 years.

nobody fled vietnam untill the last minute in 74 too right?

castro's revolution had fuck all to do with elections, and i can prove it.

after castro won, when did they have the first free elections in cuba?
(psst, ill give you a hint, its sometime in the future, probably after raoul castro's death.)

learn some perspective MORON.
The cuban revolution in the beginning had nothing to do with Marxism, they were just militants, it was only later that communism came into play. I think that is what reddiver was trying to say and hes right about that. Castro didn't even know the philosophy, to quote a castro speech from many years after the revolution (and I am paraphrasing and from memory, and translated): "If taking care of the poor and giving our peoples jobs and an education is communism then I guess we are communists". Castro was entirely naive to political philosophy, he was just a militant revolutionary. Castro saw it as strategically advantageous to ally with the marxists militarily because of the threats of the U.S.

To be fair, following the revolution castro was indeed communist immediately implementing a government which could be considered only as such, but I really feel that he was not smart enough to understand that theory, and I feel that in cuba it even kind of worked. On such a small island its sort of like a giant hippie commune maybe, if it was among capitalism it would have been very strong but there was the downfall in being enemies with the capitalist to the north.


Well-Known Member
The cuban revolution in the beginning had nothing to do with Marxism, they were just militants, it was only later that communism came into play. I think that is what reddiver was trying to say and hes right about that. Castro didn't even know the philosophy, to quote a castro speech from many years after the revolution (and I am paraphrasing and from memory, and translated): "If taking care of the poor and giving our peoples jobs and an education is communism then I guess we are communists". Castro was entirely naive to political philosophy, he was just a militant revolutionary. Castro saw it as strategically advantageous to ally with the marxists militarily because of the threats of the U.S.

To be fair, following the revolution castro was indeed communist immediately implementing a government which could be considered only as such, but I really feel that he was not smart enough to understand that theory, and I feel that in cuba it even kind of worked. On such a small island its sort of like a giant hippie commune maybe, if it was among capitalism it would have been very strong but there was the downfall in being enemies with the capitalist to the north.
Castro reached out to us. The head of the CIA and The president of United Fruit were related

The answer was
Fuck you Fidel.
Mother Russia welcomed him with open arms