Now we know why Rubio was sweating bullets


Well-Known Member
when was the last time you stood up for the bullshit you post, like the uselessness of "McDonalds Fry Makers", and their lack of rights to defend themselves?

you are a sad little leftist snob, who survives solely on the labours of people you despise.

Says the guy who spends every waking hour posting useless hate on a message board.


Active Member
anyone who wishes to leave the us may emigrate anyplace they like, lee harvey oswald emigrated to the soviet union during the height of the cold war, theres even a few dumbasses who emigrated to north korea.

american "expats" are ubiquitous throughout the tropics. leaving america is free and easy, anyone can do it, just like leaving england, france norway or italy. getting IN to those countries legally is the hard part.

if you think that theres a groundswell of american dissidents who simply arent allowed to flee the oppression of america then your just plain clinically retarded.

even haitians arent swimming to cuba, and if haitians aint goin there the country is FUCKED,

people leave shithole countries to get to civilized or wealthy nations, when the country is under threat of violent revolution that exodus increases, when marxism takes over, the politburo tries to slam the door shut and keep everybody in.

theres a very good reason why marxist nations keep their borders locked down, and it's not to stop lazy foreigners from getting into their worker's paradise.
You cannot leave or enter any of the country's you mention without permission. Doing so is a crime.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
cubans mostly leave to escape the extreme poverty US-backed economic sanctions have laid upon the country. and even then, it's done fairly well compared to other similar island nations in the region not under such ridiculous economic sanctions...... the handful of 'political escapees' are more like power hungry political hopefuls, licking their chops for a chance at power...

every cuban exile i have ever met misses their homeland deeply, they don't hate their government or ours, all they care about is their families, and somehow achieving a happy life.... they could care less about marxists, capitalists, communists.... they don't give a rat's ass about any of it....
anyone who leaves their homeland presumably does it to get a better life, only fools and political hacks do the opposite.

nobody is beating down the doors of north korea, even the chinese who cram themselves into cargo containers to get to the US, dont try to sneakl into north korea.

dominicans arent sneaking into haiti, and they are on the same fucking tropical island!

jamaicans arent sneaking into cuba, but lots of cubans sneak into jamaica. most cubans dont risk prison or their lives to get to jamaica, they paddle a little harder and head for miami.
the cuban exodus began in 1952, when the bautista regime started cracking down on opposition groups, when fidel and his armed rebellion popped up, everyone who could escape did so, taking everything they could carry. fidel's marxist revolution didnt appear in a vacuum, but claiming the bautista regime was the cause of cuban flight is specious in the extreme.

UNREST (and soviet agent provocateurs) destabilized the island's populace, when bautista (who was in fact a dick) responded with repression, and fidel was just the turd who floated to the top and turned the general unrest into a marxist revolution. the unrest (and soviet agent provocateurs) didnt create fidel, fidel and his marxist junta are a symptom of bautista's failure, but no matter how much of a dick bautista was, only a marxist regime can drive that many people out of a pleasant tropical island, and turn a self-sufficient paradise into a pile of shit.

if i could wave a magic want and make cuba, mexico, haiti, and guatamala into free peaceful and HONEST democracies of any stripe (socialist, capitalist, parliamentary, whatever) most of the people who have come to america would happily go home, but magic isnt real. those countries are shitholes because they are run by shitheels, corrupt, grasping fools, and marxist dictators. nobody wants to live under a repressive regime, especially not an incompetent one. bautista was a greedy fool, and an incompetent dictator, but he looks like a goddamned genius compared to fidel. bautistra represents cuba's "good ol' days", and that fucked up, but it's not america's fault. as much as you would love to blame america for every problem, every military junta, and every oppressive marxist regime, it just doesnt work.

cubans ELECTED bautista el presidente, they chose poorly, and didnt get another chance to vote for decades.
cubans ELECTED fidel el presidente, they chose poorly. they wont get a chance to vote again without another revolution.

North Korea CHOSE the Kims, and they too chose poorly.
China CHOSE mao tze tung. and they chose poorly.
Venezuela CHOSE hugo chavez, and they chose poorly.
afghanistan CHOSE the talibs, and they chose poorly.
Germany CHOSE hitler, duh.
Italy CHOSE mussolini

the RE-Installation of the Pahlavi Dynasty in iran is the only real example i can think of where any documented US assistance overthrows a democratically elected government. every other claim i have heard is just conspiracy theory.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You cannot leave or enter any of the country's you mention without permission. Doing so is a crime.
getting a US passport is fucking easy. no us citizen is denied a passport.

even the alawalaki hajis got passports.

socialist nations require exit visas, civilized nations do NOT. civilized countries require ENTRY visas. see, america want to keep people OUT not IN.

your inability to grasp this simple concept means you are an idiot.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Says the guy who spends every waking hour posting useless hate on a message board.
and STILL no defense of your statements about "McDonalds Fry Makers" and their disqualification from the right of self defense, the right to bear arms, and presumably the rest of the bill of rights as well.

youre a clown, a pathetic sad clown.


Well-Known Member
I guess Rubio is threatening to the left. I have yet to read any disputes of what he said, just the fact that he dared take a drink of water during his rebuttal. I mean, the nerve of the guy.

And they lie about a lie because somebody said so.

How can this guy be president? I mean, he took a sip of water during a speech. He also has a great American Dream story that we must tear down in some way. I know, we can make shit up!


Active Member
getting a US passport is fucking easy. no us citizen is denied a passport.

even the alawalaki hajis got passports.

socialist nations require exit visas, civilized nations do NOT. civilized countries require ENTRY visas. see, america want to keep people OUT not IN.

your inability to grasp this simple concept means you are an idiot.
Jump inside the piece of shit box you own and drive to Mexico or Canada without your permission slip and see what happens. Just because you consider yourself a free range chicken, don't make you free.


Well-Known Member
You don't have to show a passport to leave the US, you have to show one to get into the next country. Probably not pertinent to the argument, just pointing that out.

Drive across the bridge into Windsor and mention you are going to the casino you won't even have to show a passport most of the time.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Jump inside the piece of shit box you own and drive to Mexico or Canada without your permission slip and see what happens. Just because you consider yourself a free range chicken, don't make you free.
i have been to mexico many times.

in fact im thinking about a motorcycle trip to tiera del fuego and back.

in the marxist worker's paradise you lionize, people dream of getting to Long Island. thats such a sad small dream.

generally yyou insult a fella's wheels by calling it a "Shitbox" or a "Piece of Shit", it's so precious that you failed to understand even this simple idea, absolutely precious.


Well-Known Member
and STILL no defense of your statements about "McDonalds Fry Makers" and their disqualification from the right of self defense, the right to bear arms, and presumably the rest of the bill of rights as well.

youre a clown, a pathetic sad clown.

My statements about "McDonalds Fry Makers"? What are you talking about you delusional fuck?

I see why you spend all day and all night on this board. You've been shunned and discarded by every person who's had the unfortunate experience of crossing paths with you in the real world and now your life has come to being a hateful prick that has no life other than the meaningless shit you post on here and your intimate experiences with your left hand. Does that about sum it up?


Well-Known Member
I don't see Rubio as a liar. I see him as a guy who is stuck - he can't deviate from the script, if he doesn't say the exact same things as the far right wants him to say then he is bumped down from his star status - kinda like what happened to Christi. He had better hew the exact set of lines that everyone on the right seems still to believe in the face of evidence to the contrary.


Well-Known Member
Canndo, Rubio blasted the republicans and called them on the neocon bs of the last decade. It pissed off th e Republican Party so bad they picked him to give the rebuttal.

surely he got coaching, but the old guard neocons are getting called out by the freshmen almost daily


Well-Known Member
Canndo, Rubio blasted the republicans and called them on the neocon bs of the last decade. It pissed off th e Republican Party so bad they picked him to give the rebuttal.

surely he got coaching, but the old guard neocons are getting called out by the freshmen almost daily

Hang on now. You say the freshman (mostly Tea party folk) are calling out the neocons. Where is everyone else in this? Or are the rational republicans all gone now?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
My statements about "McDonalds Fry Makers"? What are you talking about you delusional fuck?

I see why you spend all day and all night on this board. You've been shunned and discarded by every person who's had the unfortunate experience of crossing paths with you in the real world and now your life has come to being a hateful prick that has no life other than the meaningless shit you post on here and your intimate experiences with your left hand. Does that about sum it up?
More wisdom from whackos. What's next? Promoting the fry makers at McDonalds to pack heat because someone shoots up a McDonalds?
you think i been asking you how much a person has to make to qualify for the right to self defense for no reason?

youre as stupid as you are contemptible.


Well-Known Member
Hang on now. You say the freshman (mostly Tea party folk) are calling out the neocons. Where is everyone else in this? Or are the rational republicans all gone now?
I would say the rational republicans are the ones who recognize they have been spending like drunken sailors too and calling the old guard out on it. The tea party movement was hijacked by the Koch brothers so it morphed into something most of us no longer recognize. Hopefully after Miss "I'm not a witch" and "can't even beat Harry Reid" types, the tea party slows their roll a bit.

Seriously, can you imagine Biden debating Rubio or Ryan on economic theories? Biden was the consensus loser to Sarah Palin ffs. Sarah motherfuckin Palin. The new guard republicans are saying the right things right now, let's hope they do what they say instead of continuing SOP. The GOP seems to play who's up next though when it comes to nominations so I'll believe it when I see it.


Well-Known Member
I guess Rubio is threatening to the left. I have yet to read any disputes of what he said, just the fact that he dared take a drink of water during his rebuttal. I mean, the nerve of the guy.And they lie about a lie because somebody said so. How can this guy be president? I mean, he took a sip of water during a speech. He also has a great American Dream story that we must tear down in some way. I know, we can make shit up!
first off, all he did was parrot ritt momney with everything he said.second, he said government is only there to hold you back, and went on to talk about how he only got into college because of federal aid and how his mom relies on government for health care.third, that was the first nationally televised republican speech since the concession, and it was a fucking joke. a laughing stock.finally, the douchnozzle who drew the short straw on that one voted against the VAW act that same day. that won't be forgotten.GOP: new day, same old fail.


Well-Known Member
I would say the rational republicans are the ones who recognize they have been spending like drunken sailors too and calling the old guard out on it. The tea party movement was hijacked by the Koch brothers so it morphed into something most of us no longer recognize. Hopefully after Miss "I'm not a witch" and "can't even beat Harry Reid" types, the tea party slows their roll a bit.

Seriously, can you imagine Biden debating Rubio or Ryan on economic theories? Biden was the consensus loser to Sarah Palin ffs. Sarah motherfuckin Palin. The new guard republicans are saying the right things right now, let's hope they do what they say instead of continuing SOP. The GOP seems to play who's up next though when it comes to nominations so I'll believe it when I see it.

I figured I'd pick up Stockman's "Triumph of Politics" again to see how my perception of the book and the book's descriptions of Republicans had changed since I first read it 4 years ago. It is as pertinent today as it was then and as it was when it was written. Strange things - they all had their pet projects and although they all agreed that government spending was baaaad, their portion of the pie was holy, it was only those other programs that should be knifed. Reagan was just as bad as the rest. They all spent as you say and then blamed Dems for their spending. The only difference was that they actually believed that they could cut taxes, increase defense spending and still balance the budget - on the back of social programs they didn't particularly like. The fascinating part to me was that Stockman had a three tier approach, the second tier was to go after loopholes for the rich, welfare for corporations, all of the things that would balance what his detractors saw as his attack upon the poor. OF course he was never allowed to get that far. He claimed that his actions would have repercussions to the end of the century. He was wrong - they are still with us from the missunderstanding of the right over supply side to the same old... "triumph of politics" that we see today.


Well-Known Member
There's no doubt the republican party is broken. Rubio is one of the new guys that isn't toeing the party line as of yet. He still has time to be swallowed by the GOP machine but it's encouraging that so many on the right are admitting they have a problem. Step 1. Imagine the difference we could make if the left could make this first step.


New Member
My statements about "McDonalds Fry Makers"? What are you talking about you delusional fuck?

I see why you spend all day and all night on this board. You've been shunned and discarded by every person who's had the unfortunate experience of crossing paths with you in the real world and now your life has come to being a hateful prick that has no life other than the meaningless shit you post on here and your intimate experiences with your left hand. Does that about sum it up?
You understand you're talking to a "McDonalds Fry Maker"? Don't expect too much...