Not to complain but the deer are not bothering my plants


I find this strange, the last time I ventured out to visit my three lady's I kicked up a deer as I was getting close to my grow site (obviously I was not happy about this). Upon taking a few more steps I come to find out they have been bedding down a mere couple feet away from them but haven't bothered them at all since very early in the year when I had a few nibbles on small plants ( bastards killed two, almost three ). Basically what I'm getting at is should I be worried about the furry bastards eating my shit when they get into flowering or will they continue to leave them alone now that they're bigger? I was thinking of giving the whole area a dusting with some cayenne just to get rid of the fuckers. Or maybe a dusting with my .30-06 would be in order...


That was my thought as well but I'm just worried about when they start flowering and getting stinky that they might change their minds. If so hopefully they'll be high enough that they're easy to shoot.


Well-Known Member
that's all they usually do is taste it...they don't like it, and then they're done. They for sure will not eat it once it starts flowering.


Active Member
I seen on a doco that one of the possible reasons for thc is browsing animals like cattle dont like the taste making it a defense for the plant, so if this is true they would like the flowers even less.
I know possums love it and most goats do but my pet goats never want my discarded leaves so maybe some animals are just fussy. Find out a scent that doesnt attract anything and deer dont like and spread it around the area maybe?


Well-Known Member
they will eat ur shit, but more so when their regular food source is scarce, as for them eating it in budding i think its less likely than it happening in veg, i cant imagine the sticky resinous buds would be a very tasty desirable food source for them


Sounds good to me. As long as they're not gonna eat my buds I'll let them be so that come hunting season I can eat them as well.


Well-Known Member
Piss around your grow area, that'll keep them away. When food gets scarce enough those soft flowers will quickly become food for them.


Active Member
According to J.C. Savage, deer will only eat very young plants. I've never had a problem with deer despite an excessive population of the bastards. However, if a deer finds a plant, I would expect them to eat a few leaves before they decide that they don't like the taste.


That's fine. They can have a taste just so long as they don't get greedy. My problem while the plants were small was the bunnies. They must have been humping like rabbits over the winter cuz there's been a shitload of them this year.


Well-Known Member
You can try going back a little more often and bring some piss with you if need be. Good Luck With The Harvest !