Northern Lights closet grow - CFLs!


Active Member
I love your plants. I need to get a setup going. I am reading up on cfl grows to try and make up my mind on what to do. Your grow is looking good keep the updates coming I need all the info I can get!


Well-Known Member
I love your plants. I need to get a setup going. I am reading up on cfl grows to try and make up my mind on what to do. Your grow is looking good keep the updates coming I need all the info I can get!
cfls are good to begin with, its been easy so far. thanks for reading and ill be sure to have it updated till i get the final harvest weight : )

icurbyou, i thought that too since the soil is still damp but okay ill just water around the same amount. i didnt even see it in that picture! haha thanks man


Well-Known Member
Also, again I am no pro.. But I have read that roots have a bigger bearing on yield. Something to the effect of the longer and more roots, the better for the yield.

I have also read that giving a plant "less" water will cause the roots to grow in search for water. Ive read that you want to make the roots attempt to go find the water, thus making them grow their roots...

So, if I add the both of those findings together I get the idea that less water = better in SOME aspects.. of course, you'd have to get it down to a science.. but definately something to keep in mind or think about.

Having said that, again, I am no pro so that could be idiotic. I can say I really dont let me soil get as wet as yours, and my roots were ALL OVER when I took them out of the plastic cup... I mean, they were wraping around and they were totally in the shape of the cup.. So, I think that it may work.

Im sorry, I dont have the sites to cite my sources, so take it however you'd like. :)


Well-Known Member
got a timer at walmart. tried finding some splitters i could steal but they didnt have any. damn small towns.. (I dont actually steal, its just Walmart..(how do you think they help the average family save $2000 a year?))


still goin 20/4 just to let everyone know. pics on saturday. going out of town tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
got a timer at walmart. tried finding some splitters i could steal but they didnt have any. damn small towns.. (I dont actually steal, its just Walmart..(how do you think they help the average family save $2000 a year?))

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still goin 20/4 just to let everyone know. pics on saturday. going out of town tomorrow.
Dude, im going out of town tomorrow too.. Are you my twin?


Well-Known Member
okay so i said i would update the grow on saturday, well i got lazy and i was home late whenever i was around the computer. anyways, here are some pics of them. i think i am overwatering them. they all seem droopy except for the one in the middle which stlll has yellow on the leaves. Also, its been getting colder so also temps have reached low 70s and possibly 69. could this be stunting the plant in any way?






Well-Known Member
yah definately hold back on the water

when there in this stage you want to practically starve the roots so they go searching for water and therefore become bigger and stronger

let that soil dry out completely before you water again

and then only give it like half of what youve been giving it

they will probabably be wilty for the next couple of days but then they will perk back up and look like they are ready for more water but there NOT

trust me you need a very very very little amount of water for them at this point... let the plants almost start to wilt from not having water before you water em again


Well-Known Member
Im still thinking that one that looks the healthiest from the other day, still looks the healthiest. She's a thug.

I didnt water mine all day saturday until sunday night. Dry as hell, but plants looked way fine. I was glad... let them suckaz growwwww.

When do you plant to transplant? I swear mine got no disturbance from my transplant. Didnt stunt or slow down at all.


Well-Known Member
thanks TodayisaGreenDay, i appreciate the info. i figured it was since it definitely wasnt too little water. ill just let them dry for a couple of days.

i think the one in the very middle is looking best right now even though the leaves have crazy colors.


Well-Known Member
The plants are looking just as bad so its overwatering for sure. may water them tomorrow since i decided to transplant them today. i was doing it in soda bottles and decided i didnt like how it was going. so i put 4 of them in 8" pots. so i then decided to keep the 4 big containers in veg and in another couple weeks flower to weed out a female and start the sog process. just a quick pic. will have many more in a couple of days. and yes i'm adding lights soon.



Well-Known Member
the ones in the photo are 26 6500k bulbs. got 2 19w today but i really need about 8 more lights in there to be optimal so i ill either get more 26w or order some 32/42W off the internet in both 2500k and 6500k. but just those been in so far. now there is a lamp and two more hanging fixtures to bring it to 8


Well-Known Member
You know whats weird? I literally squished and squashed my roots.. Trying to wiggle the Miracle Grow dirt from the roots.. I emptied a ton of dirt... It didnt slow down my plants at all. Everyone said "Give it a week to recover after you transplant".. but within a day they were already bigger.

I guess mine just love the organic soil I put them in! haha.


Well-Known Member
haha i felt like i was literally choking my plants taking them out of those red cups haha. and i have decided the bigger the pots the much happier i am after transplanting.