Night Crawlers For Fertilizer

I recently put night crawlers in my 5 gallon bucket with my 3ft female sativa,I was scared to get into the confusing world of fertilizers and screw plant up,plant must of had root problem,it was growing in new leaves that looked white in centers and looked half dead,three days after I added night crawlers,leaves turned bright green and all branches started growing rapidly,I was told to do this from gramps,and it is way less expensive then fertalizer and nutes,I spent 2 dollars,and found out people pay money for worm poop,and its expensive,I would definately recommend this instead of fertalizers to any first time grower like myself,its like having a self fertalizer in pot,and they burrow tunnels which should help root growth.try it let me know how it works for you!


Well-Known Member
But they only provide trace amounts of nutrients, so you are going to need more as they get bigger and you are going to have to feed the soil to feed the worms for them to stay alive. Worm castings are the best amendment for soil but your still going to need some nutes eventually.


Well-Known Member
+1 smppro, they may help your plants, but they only provide a certain range of nutrients... for the time and effort you put into caring for these lovely plants, you shouldn't skimp on their food. Your mom could have gotten by just feeding you bread and water, but you would've looked like a skinny ethiopian in the late 90's. Same goes for plants, they can survive on minimal food, but if you want it to be big and beautiful you'll need more than just the bare minimum. Not saying you're wrong, but in the end are you saving money if you've spent 3-4 months of time and effort making sure she's watered and has enough light and isn't sick, and then you only get a gram or two of buds compared to the 30 bucks you spend on nutes and end up with a 1/4 ounce? just my two cents, i skimped my first grow and paid for it with feathery loose buds that were smokable but were gone in a couple weeks


Well-Known Member
I recently put night crawlers in my 5 gallon bucket with my 3ft female sativa,I was scared to get into the confusing world of fertilizers and screw plant up,plant must of had root problem,it was growing in new leaves that looked white in centers and looked half dead,three days after I added night crawlers,leaves turned bright green and all branches started growing rapidly,I was told to do this from gramps,and it is way less expensive then fertalizer and nutes,I spent 2 dollars,and found out people pay money for worm poop,and its expensive,I would definately recommend this instead of fertalizers to any first time grower like myself,its like having a self fertalizer in pot,and they burrow tunnels which should help root growth.try it let me know how it works for you!
you will need more than just worms but that is a good start. there is an organic section here on riu with lots of great info.:peace:


Well-Known Member
If i wanted to use some outside should i bury the night crawlers in soil or just throw them on top of the soil or what? i think it would be best to bury them a little bit in loose soil ?


what is a cheap easy way to feed the night crawlers and are we talking standard fishing ones you can get at a gas station?


Well-Known Member
you can make your own worm farm for pretty cheap. get 2 Styrofoam coolers from the grocery store. poke holes with a screw driver in the bottom of one as drainage holes. Fill that one up with some soil and plant material (veggie scraps, old fruits and veggies. just nothing in the onion/garlic family or citrus family). Put the worms in and put the lid on. With the second container you can cut a hole big enough to put a soda bottle top through. Cut the top off the a soda bottle and place it in the cooler so that the lid is facing out. Put a bunch of duct tape around it to make sure it wont leak. Put the first container on top of that one so it drains into it. Now you just throw some veggies and stuff in from time to time and let the worms do their job. The juices from everything will drain to the bottom container. You can use that juice as a fertilizer, just dilute it like 1:30. Once the worms have ate all the food you can use everything in that container as fertilizer/compost.


Well-Known Member
i feed my worms table scraps, minus meats and dairy products. you can start with night crawlers but if they have red wigglers get them, they are better for composting and worm poop.


i have a question, i was wondering if you had to worry about the worms getting out of the pot ? it's sad to say but i hate anything that looks like a snake i am deathly afraid of snakes and night crawlers are just creepy looking lol but i can tolerate earth worms..but if i walked into the grow room and night crawlers were everywhere i'd probably fall out on my plants from a heart attack..j/k, can they get out?

Edit: ok i just googled nightcrawlers and that's not the worms i saw in the gas station, it said nightcrawlers but they looked nothing like earthworms, in fact i found out that they are a kind of earthworm i swear you learn something new every day..