Newbie growing in Colorado


Active Member
Hello everyone,

I am a new grower who is setting up a very decent indoor grow system(thanks to a lot of great info gathered here), but I am waiting to start my indoor crop until I move into a new place. To get to the point, I have started a bag seed outside in a 1ft pot with organic pot soil. It has been outside for just over a week and gets an average of about 10hrs of sunlight a day(unfortunatly it is mostly afternoon sun.) To get to my questions it has just started to show it second set of leaves, not including the original oval shapedand is around 4in high. Is this around what you would expect as far as current growth levels. Also I am planning on transplanting it to the national forest when it gets around a ft. Being as how it is past half way through June will my plant be able to have enough vegetative growth before the days become shorter and it enters flowering. With that would it be correct to think that the plant will just be smaller than its full potential and therefore still produce buds only on a smaller scale. Last question...promise... Should I consider moving just this single plant inside and start it under artificial light. Would I be able to keep it inside and grow it a faster rate, possibly to transplant it again to flower outside. As a clarification I know this senario involves alot of transplanting and is not ideal, however this is simply a side project to curb my excitement of moving to a much more suitable indoor growing location. Thanks to all and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

ps I live in a rather warm part of colorado I don't thin we should have a frost until mid october.


Active Member
It just seems wierd that nobody has responded to my post every post made before and after my post has at least one reply. I am wondering if maybe I posted it in the incorrect format or possibly broke some unwritten rule??? Anyways any info on my above post would still be greatly appreciated. Additional Information regarding above post: I am watering as needed usually when the top 1in" of soil is dry. At this point using no nukes(figured it was a little early.) Leaves and stem although small(4") are very healthy looking and seem to be happy


Active Member
Plants are all different, so without knowing the strain it is, no one can really say if its grow is normal, as long as it is healthy then you should be happy. If you put your plants out at start of July, they'll still get about a month and a half of good vegging time, considering where you live, so it will still get to be pretty big, although smaller thna those started earlier. You only have one plant so i don't think that using light swould be best, just keep it outside, the sun is better than artificial and it's free.

Best of luck to ya.


Active Member
Thanks cb,

There is about an inch of slightly purple stem, any ideas if this may be a lack of nutrients in the soil or if it may have something to do with water levels.


Active Member
I've read something that cold temperatures make plants go purple sometimes.. is it cold at night where you live? Also some plants just do this naturally.


Well-Known Member
yo colorado boy. im from the western slope of colorado......i rarely get much good response here from people. its hit or miss.
anyway bro i would just bring that bad boy inside, and get it on an organic nute program............where in the CO dot are you close to? like it would be tough to find good nutes where i grew up.....i live on the west coast now. let me know if you got questions bro....i like to help.
and just for being from CO you get props......from the 970. hah


Active Member
yo colorado boy. im from the western slope of colorado......i rarely get much good response here from people. its hit or miss.
anyway bro i would just bring that bad boy inside, and get it on an organic nute program............where in the CO dot are you close to? like it would be tough to find good nutes where i grew up.....i live on the west coast now. let me know if you got questions bro....i like to help.
and just for being from CO you get props......from the 970. hah
Just moved out of the 970 for work representing the 303 area now. There is some good hydro shops around me that can provide all the nutes a person could need. I think I am going to keep this bad boy outside, because my move is planned for a month from now, and I can begin my indoor harvest at that time. As far as the purple stem goes, it has all but dissapeird in the last twelve hours, so I am going to assume that it won't be an issue from here on out. Thanks Everybody


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy,

!!303!! Ya bring that guy inside, and set yourself up a nice system...

Kinda bad idea on the national forest park, you will never see it again, too many hunters, park rangers, ect out there IMO.

Good luck with your plant...



Well-Known Member
Hello Colorado.Aurora here. Check out the big tomato hydro store.Great guys!!
They are indeed nice guys arent they!!!

To be honest though the Grow Store carries alot of things that are cheaper

But The big tomato just realeased thier 2008 catalog, and can order alot of things.

It just sucks for some products that they are blatently overcharging for...


Active Member
So I have been keeping my plant in the back of my house on top of my car at night so in the morning it can get all the best hours of light. I normally just put it in my parking spot when I leave for work. Today I went home at lunch like usual to move my plant from the back to the front which gets better afternoon light.....only to realize I never took it off of the top of my car this morning.....I fucking drove half a mile with my weed plant sitting on top of my car. I would have thought someone stole it until I drove back to work and there it was sitting right in the middle of the road 1/2 mile away and looking like it had been ran over more than a few times......But I am moving soon and will start my indoor setup then, fuck me it's really hard not to laugh at myself at the moment..


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your plant man that sucks ass. Where is the tomato Store? I really like the folks at the grow store but they are pricey


Active Member
hahaha, its soo sad... but i can imagine a young enthused grower on his way to work, with whats really on his mind on the way there... just sitting on top of his car :)

I have the most ironic stoner image cooked in my mind right now... haha

really am sorry though, but its okay. you'll come back strong right? what doesn't kill us makes us stronger right?


Well-Known Member
So I have been keeping my plant in the back of my house on top of my car at night so in the morning it can get all the best hours of light. I normally just put it in my parking spot when I leave for work. Today I went home at lunch like usual to move my plant from the back to the front which gets better afternoon light.....only to realize I never took it off of the top of my car this morning.....I fucking drove half a mile with my weed plant sitting on top of my car. I would have thought someone stole it until I drove back to work and there it was sitting right in the middle of the road 1/2 mile away and looking like it had been ran over more than a few times......But I am moving soon and will start my indoor setup then, fuck me it's really hard not to laugh at myself at the moment..
Thats funny dude


Active Member
Sad......very sad. Hydroponics. They are near I-225 and 6th ave.Check out the site for address.More expensive but you dont have to wait for shipping.They have pretty much everything on the shelf


Well-Known Member
Sad......very sad. Hydroponics. They are near I-225 and 6th ave.Check out the site for address.More expensive but you dont have to wait for shipping.They have pretty much everything on the shelf
It works out alot better for a lot of things though than gettin it shipped, and the guys there are really nice and helpful...


Active Member
hahaha, its soo sad... but i can imagine a young enthused grower on his way to work, with whats really on his mind on the way there... just sitting on top of his car :)

I have the most ironic stoner image cooked in my mind right now... haha

really am sorry though, but its okay. you'll come back strong right? what doesn't kill us makes us stronger right?

You hit the nail on the head my friend. But you are right we have just moved to a new house and I am already well on my way to having my indoor setup complete. Not sure what the lesson was there but I learned one either way.:mrgreen: