New Pictures Romulan X purple lights 12/12 switch


stays relevant.
regarding the security token... try clearing your cache, and authenticated sessions in your browser, and then restart your browser, and try again.


Well-Known Member
Mr Fishy told me to use potato slices that really worked....I used pyrethium to slaughter THE ADULTS, repeated 2 weeks later.

great stuff/



Well-Known Member
I have a 400 watt HPS, and 6 adult females//about 10 clones from 8-12"
the one in the bucket is the original mother about 2 years old going in for the final bloom, I already re-veged her once.


Well-Known Member
Nice ladies you got there. I love Romulan! I have Romulan x Cotton Candy 3 weeks into flower right now. Been growing that for a bit now.

Out of curiosity, how long did you veg for?


Well-Known Member
To be honest I kind of lost track. I had a bug problem that kind of stunted the growth, due to the eating of the roots and all. So maybe two months. Just guessing, I used to write all this shit down but, not any more. I bent the branches over. So that the smaller branches could get light, seemed like it made a larger canopy, we'll se if it increases yeild or not.



Well-Known Member
Plants are looking good
update soon