new/old nutes?


I heard this NPK ratio is good:

I have some of the nutes at home (my mums lol):
10.6-1.9-1.4 veg
4-3-8 flower

Can you tell me if that's^ good ? Or is it too much?

Otherwise I was thinking of buying the Biobizz biogrow and biobloom, what's the NPK ratio of that (ill search it now anyways).

Also I'm growing a Blue Himalaya Diesel which is an autoflower.



Haha not really, she grows a ton of different plants but no weed an personally I wouldn't want her too :P
I know a friend with divorxed parents and they (both parents) grow weed! And the dad let's him grow&smoke but his mum only let's him smoke.

Anyways are both those nutes good?



Active Member
oh if shes not grpwing go with ff your first time its cheap after buy better nutesz
Haha not really, she grows a ton of different plants but no weed an personally I wouldn't want her too :P
I know a friend with divorxed parents and they (both parents) grow weed! And the dad let's him grow&smoke but his mum only let's him smoke.

Anyways are both those nutes good?



Well-Known Member
Hmm...I don't like the ratio of those nutes...for veg or flower...but I would maybe use the 4-3-8 for veg...and then find something with less nitrogen for flower.


Well-Known Member
The 3-4-8 you post is almost the same thing as 1-1-2 (just divide by 2).

As for the veg at 10.6-1.9-1.4, you'd probably be ok with soil, but I wouldn't try it with soiless or hydro.