New Growth Extremely light green/drooping (pics included)


Active Member
I am running the Ebb & Gro bucket system with 70/30 hydroton rocks/rockwool cubes. I am using the Adv. Nutrients Sensi Grow A/B, Cal/Mag, B-52, & Sensizym. All at 1/2 strength. Temp is fine and humidity is ok as well. Everything is pretty much controlled so I know its a nutrient issue. I just finished my 3rd week of the Fuzzy Roots so Im not using that anymore.
Anyway, I noticed that my girls were a little light and at first, I thought it was normal because all new growth is gonna be a little lighter than the rest. But as of today, its not looking normal.
What could this be? Iron, Sulfur, Maganese, Nitrogen?close2.jpgfullshot.jpgclose.jpgwide.jpg


Active Member
PPM is at 1480
PH is at 5.9
Beginning of 4th week of Veg
PPM will lower approx 50 ppm every feeding
PH rises about .2 after every feeding
I lower PH and raise PPM every 2-3 days
Change reservoir once a week
Feed for 30 minutes 3x a day



Active Member
Hey, all this help and assistance is so great. Wow, i can not believe all the comments and replies that HASNT HELPED. Hey guys/gals, I'd really appreciate ANYONE with this light green experience that can guide in the right direction. Thanks


you did not add your light source or schedule . if they are on 12/12 its just new growth that hasn't had time to green up yet. if not 12/12 it maybe just growing very fast. If they don't green up in a day or 3 then u may have a problem. Iron , sulfer and magnesium are trace nutes so very little are needed . At this age it looks like you should be slowly stepping up your nitrogen to the limit any way. so probably not that unless your not doing this.


Active Member
Hey, all this help and assistance is so great. Wow, i can not believe all the comments and replies that HASNT HELPED. Hey guys/gals, I'd really appreciate ANYONE with this light green experience that can guide in the right direction. Thanks
Hey there'
ive been having the same problem but havn't fixed it yet as i dont know whast it is, i looked through the sick plant thing on this site and the only pictures that looked like mine was a copper def, mine are flowering at the moment and it dont do anything to the plants apart from the light colour in the new growth. im not saying ur's is a copper def,
if you go into that part of the site match the pictures to what your's are like. but there again someone said not to pay attention to the pic's in there and get my own uploaded but at the mo im unable to, plus your are abit lighter than mine in the pics. its a mad old thing growing init' lol
Hope you sort it out scunk


Active Member
My light is on 18/6 as I am in my 4th week of Veg.
Running 4-1000 watt Super HPS

And also 2 of my girls are a lot more light green than the rest and they droop a little........What is this?


Active Member
....and...My feeding schedule went like this; 1st week 1/4 str, 2nd week 1/3 str, 3rd week 1/3 str, 4th week (now) 1/2 str...

Should I be giving them stronger nutes?


Active Member
Ok. Thanks for all the experienced help but I solved it myself...........

-One of my lines to my bucket set was clogged due to algae growing inside of my clear 1/2 inch tubing. Mistake made! Never use clear tubing! Problem solved and all my girls are greening up with the exception of two of my girls who were stunted and very lime green looking. But they are getting their proper dose of nutrients now, so they should be fine as well.