New Clones.


Well-Known Member
Ok well, im expecting my clones to root any time now. Heres some pis. This proves you dont NEED rooting hormones. Ive just kept them in this shotglass with water near a window that gets no direct sunlight. Black Shotglass, of course..



Well-Known Member
hey thanks for making this post. Im guessing this was sparked by my thread on rooting clones. I took your advice and i just waited and cut a few more and i think i see some tiny shoots starting to come off one.


Well-Known Member
Its been 5-6 days. I have little bumbs starting to come out as roots. I Also split the bottom of them stem. Supposedly it makes them root faster, Its working so far. I expect it to tak 2-6 days tops. Make sure u do not put them in any direct light


Well-Known Member
i think im gonna try that. Did you say that you used well water? do you think some distilled water with a ph of 7 would work?


Well-Known Member
Im not to sure much about PH, ive never had an issue with my well water. So your asking the wrong person.


Well-Known Member
i dont get it why not use a gel or powder? and those are some big cuttings i cut mine about 3 inches and strip all but a couple leafs


Well-Known Member
Yah, Indica cutting, thats why. And you can use those things. But ive heard alot of people say u cant do it without them. Which is not true whatsoever
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Well-Known Member
Ok well, im expecting my clones to root any time now. Heres some pis. This proves you dont NEED rooting hormones. Ive just kept them in this shotglass with water near a window that gets no direct sunlight. Black Shotglass, of course..
Only playing devil's advocate here.....

But how does a pic of a cutting wit no roots prove anything?

Shot glass seems a bit small. Ya want O2 in there. How often you change the water?


Well-Known Member
Its got a tiny bit of H202 in there. for oxygen. Seems to be working well. And the shot glass is more then big enough because the two leaves hold it up. I change the water every day. And it doesnt prove much. But alot of people seem to be under the impression that clones cant survive like this. And they wont root.


Well-Known Member
I don't doubt they will root it will just take a week or so longer. Have you tried just soaking it in a glass of water?

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
yeah you can do it with out rooting gel, but why would you when you buy a small thing of it anywhere for about 5 bucks and accelerate the whole process


Well-Known Member
Because. Im tryin to prove a point. Read the WHOLE thread
I agree with this point. It can be done and has. But its like proving the world is round (Its round like a pizza pie, but flat like the same. There is just a celestial doorway at the edge that zaps you around to the other side :) )


Well-Known Member
I definatley will, Im also gonna be starting an Indoor Nepali Grizzly grow. Getting seeds this week hopefully. Keep an eye out for my grow log im goin to start on it.

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
Because. Im tryin to prove a point. Read the WHOLE thread
i did read the whole thread, and i understand that you are trying to prove a point, but it sort of pointless to try and prove to others that you can do it when there are no benefits to be gained.