New Clones Yellowing and small spots

This is my 1st grow i am a prop 203 az card holder in west valley of phoenix, i have 9 new clones in 5 gallon buckets , under a 600whps lamp, i got air coming in and air leaving temp stays right at 80-85, i have 2 fans circulating the air , the light is on 24hrs, had them 3 days and noticing yellowing and tips curling as u will see in the pictures. I watered them when i put them in the buckets then again a little the next day with my ntirents (at 1/2) recomended dose (fox farm), the soil is moist when i stick my fingers in it. The roots looked super healthy on these lil babies big white nice roots. Can someone please help and give me some ideas about the yellowing (they didnt look to healthy when i got em but they rode in a car in arizona for 2 hours but there was no yellow now there is....) please help

plant 2.png plant.png


Active Member
You fed them!!! stop it, Do you feed a two week old baby a t- bone before it has teeth?
Fox farms at the recomended dose for clones/seedlings is, 0. And then at 1/2? wow. pretty hot for a strain you have never grown.
You want to grow your first plants to create a clone mother nothing more, keep it simple only feed it when it screams for it. start a cloneing program then bloom it. You will have plenty of off spring to experiment on, and to use to find your way through all of this.
Let it grow it's vascular system first, then start feeding it as it displays its particular needs.
This is your test subject. When I start with a newly bred strain I like to grow it as simple as possible the first time around, I don't top it I don't manipulate it any way. Why? simply this. I want to know what its true characteristics are, I wan't to know " how tall will she get, how bushy, It's natural and true color with just the nutes to create buds. I want to get to know this plant before I decide to continue with the project. Or abandon it.


Well-Known Member
Make sure the light is at least 3' away for now, what is that soil? was the mother flowering? also remember clones can take up to 2 weeks to take off in veg and can appear unhealthy in the mean time.
Thank u for your feedback, swithcing to 18/6 lighting tonight they will have been in 72 hours. I am using fox farm soil, and yes actually the gdp plant has 4 white hairs coming out of it which if found usually means the mother was flowering is that correct? I have more pics ill post they arent to good of pics but will post better tonight when im off work. I think i might be over thinkin it and over trying. One of my clones was already topped is this ok it looks like a V? I have 2 jack herer, 1 grapfruit, 2 ww, 1 gdp, 1 jilly bean,, 1 nycd and 1 critical plus, if this helps at all....


Well-Known Member
Ok, 3 weeks at least before they do anything if mum was flowering. For now no watering no feeding and consider putting them under a decent cfl for now and make sure the light period is 24/0 . When they are clearly growing then feed them and back under the big 600w hps.
i have a 300 w cfl light that goes in a regualr ballist looks like a fucking 1 liter of pop huge cfl, should i run that for a week? 24on???
jh2.png<<<jack herer plant and this is my buddys clone he picked grapefruit but its already been topped.....>>>>gf kush.png what will be the end result of this???


Active Member
I can't mentor you as I am still learning myself, but I would suggest backing off on the heat. Maybe floros or cfl's will suit you better in their current state. Do you run AC in Phoenix? I'd hope so. I too am in Az btw, just wont say where lol.


Just got a bunch of clones from a friend that looked bad off. He was going to kill them off but i have a knack at rejuvenating dead/dying plants so he let me get them. All of them had yellow leaves curling under some even shriveling. So far ive had them 24 hours, pulled dead leaves, clipped remaining semi healthy leaves down, watered & got under 400 watt Cfl, how do i post pictures? Theyve perked up in the last few hours, he said the only problem was he hadnt watered them in a wk, but a couple look like they may have nute burn/def. From what i can tell tho underwatering CAN cause nute blockage right?


Well-Known Member
Flush em out, lower your temps as close to 75 as possible, keep humidity around 50%, then start feeding at 50% strength, working your way up only after they have become healthy again.


Well-Known Member
Also, check your pH and adjust it as necessary, this is one of the most important steps in growing, hands down.


Well-Known Member
I cone under a 400w light with no issues...when clones root they yellow..that is normal...if you feed them it will keep them from growing and will take longer to see results...water only when the pot is feather light, and they should be fine.


Well-Known Member
new pics View attachment 2207300 hope u can see the spots i was refering to these are fully rooted clones with healthy roots.....
Check very closely for bugs...specifically spider mites, and thrips...for real look at the back of the leaves that have the most dots...I got some dotty plants after bringing a clone home from a friend, and BAM! Spider mites!


Active Member
Sometimes an old mother such as the old mothers used to create dispensery clones may be showing pre flowers when cloned. I have mothers that show pre-flowers and I will still clone these, remember the clone caries the age and maturity of the mother. If you start your clones in 24 hr light and keep them there, they will veg normaly. Everytime those lights go off, those plants that have started to bloom will continue to bloom. Let me recomend removing the flowers carefully, and expose those plants to no darknes, 24 hr light. I do not use any other light squedual other than 24light veg, followed by 12/12 bloom squedual, this is the tried and true for propagating clones from older mother plants. You get the most out of the veg cycle speeding up the process. 12/12 bloom promotes more proliphic flowering. As far as I'm concerend all the 16/8 18/6 20/4 shit, is just that a bunch of yada yada garblygoop shit. Just keep it simple for you, and YOUR PLANT. The more stressfull changes it goes through, the more trouble YOU will go through.


Active Member
Those clones are probably just yellow from a rough cloneing, simple necrosis, DO NOT FLUSH as otherwise stated, unless you know they have been overfed. These appear to be just starting to feed with there new root system. Do NOT start feeding them either don't feed them at all,definitly not at 50% percent of anything. You will burn the hell out of those clones let them develope a vascular system and if you want to start burning them up then, well ok. WE did our best. But the sound advice is find out if they've been fed, (if they are planted in anything other than enert soil "no nutes") then the've been accidently fed. Let them dry out before watering them again. And be mindfull of rediculous un-thought out advice, that does nothing, other than destroy your grow. Missnu, buds, and there are quite a few others give sound advice. Post a question and let it stew awhile, you will be able to draw conclusions from the quality of advice given. Request friendship from those that seem to have their shit together, and sponge whatever is usefull through private messages to these "friends" on the forum. This is how to get the most from coming here.