New clones curling upwards


Well-Known Member
image.jpg image.jpg I got some new clones that are turning up wards and curling I just transplanted them yesterday. Mix of 50/50 ffof and ffhf and used 6.0 ph water. They are under an 8 bulb t5. I just don't know what would make then burn and crisp. Is the soil too hot? Cuttings were getting bites inside of the cloner. Any help guys


Well-Known Member
If theyre clones theres a good chance that its the cloning process thats making the leaves die back. You usually get some yellowing of leaf tips when they are at around 15 days of clone from cut. Before you freakcout id let them try to grow out of it.


Well-Known Member
probably not used to the air change from having high humidity during rooting. Clones probably didn't get fresh air enough during rooting.

if soil is.too hot. The leaves will taco and edges flare.

just put a Ziploc bag over each pot. Remove the bags a couple times a day. For longer periods of time each day. After a few days to a week they should be fine.

if clones get all high humidity (under a dome) and no fresh air until they root. The leaves curl up like that because they're not.used to the dry air.


Well-Known Member
The soil looks like you are just wetting around the stem. When watering soil, you should keep adding water until you see runoff come out the bottom, let it stop dripping, then wait for the soil to become that dry again before doing it again.


Well-Known Member
I just transplanted them I didn't wanna wet the soil all the way I thought u wanted them to get a little wet first for the roots? Am I wrong ? They came out of a cloner so no humidity. What would make the leaves curl like that. ?


Well-Known Member
under watered then. That happens when soil is too dry too. Water 16oz of water per gallon of soil. Let it dry to where its barely damp when you water again


Active Member
when did they start to curl ? was it before or after transplant? usually if a clone is transplanted and it doesnt have enough humidity and water pressure to support it so it will droop, so my guess, sometimes clones will look like crap for a few days but should bounce back rather quickly. The one in front looks like its got purple and red streaks and fan leaf stem, usually a PK deficiency, maybe. Id water them, test the ph and ppm of the runoff .. I dont think youll stress them too much if you water after transplant, i water all the time after i take my clones to soil and no problems ever. If the soil is too hot, then your leaf tips will start to burn and youll know if thats it a few days after transplant. Id just give it time and a big hug.