neem oil


Active Member
anyone use neem oil for spidermites? do the plants need to be rinsed or misted at harvest to remove neem...bad health side effects? please help a sister out!:confused:


New Member
Yes neem oil works good. I would leave it on the plants under they are at least under control.
When you are flowering and you start to flush then I would spray them at night when the lights go out with just plain water.


Well-Known Member
Neem oil is a natural product. Other than the smell, there is nothing that will hurt you, your animals good drink water with neem oil and be fine. thats the reason it is the active ingredient in a lot of insecticides. VV


New Member
Yes it is natural. I just was not sure if it would leave any residue or taste afterwards. Probably not but I still rinse mine before chopping.


New Member
It more for my OCD than anything.

LMAO OK I am totally kidding. I just couldn't resist.


Well-Known Member
If I use neem in the last three days before harvest I will mist them for the next two, its for the way my hands and hash would smell, it would definetely harsh my mellow. Point was it safe. VV


Well-Known Member
yeah that shit stinks and leaves a residue, selectively spraying is probably better than getting that shit in your (hopefully) better smelling buds. Ladybugs as an alternative... organic, cute, check out farmers markets or online you can get the little motherfuckers they're predatory and will eat spidermites


Active Member
i must be ocd too! rinsed mine and everyone thought i was crazy. wanted to do ladybugs but indoors and the hubby frowned!:roll: