Neem best for mites

Blue back

Well-Known Member
I've had the best luck with Mighty Wash by NPK industries. Kills all stages of spider mites including eggs.


Well-Known Member
I’ve had spider mites a few times. Use 2 tsp neem oil, around 1 liter warm water and a squeeze of dish soap. Shake well and spray every 3 days for 9 days. Make sure to spray under side of leaves. Spider mites will be gone!!


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure I finally got rid of my mites using Safer's End All II with 10ml/L added neem or canola oil. Sprayed every 3 days for 4 sprays and really soaked them good. I get the 500ml bottle of Safer's and mix it up making 10L of spray for the same price as 1L pre-mix. Don't need anything fancy to kill mites and the Safer's soap spray is totally non-toxic but the mist can irritate your throat a bit.

Get rid of the bastards before flowering tho. Anything you spray on buds you'll be smoking later and they're all nasty to smoke.



Well-Known Member
I’ve had spider mites a few times. Use 2 tsp neem oil, around 1 liter warm water and a squeeze of dish soap. Shake well and spray every 3 days for 9 days. Make sure to spray under side of leaves. Spider mites will be gone!!
Where can I buy neem oil? I'm on vancouver island and dont think i have ever seen it for sale anywheres. Any name brand? By the way i love the kootenays. I go for holidays every summer to new denver and hang out at kootenay lake for 2 weeks. Although i have to hang with the wifes parents its still rad


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure I finally got rid of my mites using Safer's End All II with 10ml/L added neem or canola oil. Sprayed every 3 days for 4 sprays and really soaked them good. I get the 500ml bottle of Safer's and mix it up making 10L of spray for the same price as 1L pre-mix. Don't need anything fancy to kill mites and the Safer's soap spray is totally non-toxic but the mist can irritate your throat a bit.

Get rid of the bastards before flowering tho. Anything you spray on buds you'll be smoking later and they're all nasty to smoke.

Let me first off say congrats on your big win. Ya i just bought some mega crop before they even announced any generally only spray anything when only in veg amd right before the go into flower.If something happens in flower i take them into the shower and hose the bitches down. Seems to knock most off but i can only do this because i usually only have 2-4 plants in flower at a time so its not that bad to do. When i do spray in veg i make sure to do it when lights out. I soak them with about a teaspoon of iso and a few drops dish soap. Let it soak and dry then rinse the shit off them with regualr water before lights come back on.


Well-Known Member
Let me first off say congrats on your big win. Ya i just bought some mega crop before they even announced any generally only spray anything when only in veg amd right before the go into flower.If something happens in flower i take them into the shower and hose the bitches down. Seems to knock most off but i can only do this because i usually only have 2-4 plants in flower at a time so its not that bad to do. When i do spray in veg i make sure to do it when lights out. I soak them with about a teaspoon of iso and a few drops dish soap. Let it soak and dry then rinse the shit off them with regualr water before lights come back on.[/QUOTE]

I have plenty of space in the bedroom where I'm vegging now so I just move then over to the other corner and spray whenever I get to it. Just had four plants to do and never bothered doing a rinse off until after the 4th dose.

Gave them a good going over today with the magnifying glass and didn't find a single bug. Glad I got it done when I did as they are all growing fast and there would be a lot more to do now. Have nine smaller plants in there too but they never had a single bug on them ever.

Time to take cuttings then get the 4 bigger ones downstairs and flowering.



Well-Known Member
Where can I buy neem oil? I'm on vancouver island and dont think i have ever seen it for sale anywheres. Any name brand? By the way i love the kootenays. I go for holidays every summer to new denver and hang out at kootenay lake for 2 weeks. Although i have to hang with the wifes parents its still rad
I was supposed to be living in Campbell River ya prick! ;) Instead I'm way up north in Bumfuck, Alberta.

Neem oil isn't allowed to be sold as a pesticide but you can probably find it at a health food store. I'm just using canola oil and that's what a lot of different sprays use. I have neem oil but it's got to be 20 years old by now. Canola is easy to find. Use around 10ml/L with either an insecticidal soap like Safer's or even a bit of Blue Dawn tho I'd go with a proper insecticidal soap. Want to make sure what you are using is going to kill off all the hatched ones.

Good luck eh.



Whats everyone think is the best to rid mites? Where to buy it and how to use it
I use 90% alcohol and water and spray them little critters. It kills them on contact and drys clean and then at harvest I just wash the plant before hanging and trimming works great and cost effective


New Member
Hands down and without a doubt CO2 if you can do it safely. Just literally killed about 95% of my spider mite problem this afternoon on soon to be week 6 plants. I kept reading online about it and how it sucked or worked or sucked but kinda worked, etc. until I came across a comment that really put things into perspective. Everyone recommends 15,000ppm to kill the mites; that's 1.5%. Humans start feeling some symptoms from 5-8% and can work in environments with up to 30% as per federal regulations. So obviously you won't kill the mites with 15,000ppm.

I ended up dumping a 20lb tank of CO2 in a 350ft3 tent (so roughly 500,000ppm). I don't recommend anyone do this but in my case my CO2 regulator was too slow to ever come close to reaching those levels so I secured the CO2 tank near the fan, sealed everything up, twisted that cylinder, finished closing up the tent and ran out of the structure. Notice I'm saying "structure", as in a separate building, I would never advise anyone to do this inside their own homes or even garages. 175ft3 of CO2 is no joke. DO NOT PLAY AROUND WITH IT. That being said, it took me nearly two hours to find a live mite. Seriously, I couldn't believe it. 1 application and they were at least 95%+ gone. I still don't know how it works on the eggs, etc. but will find out.

As for the plants? I ran them in that CO2, lights on, for 2 hours and they came out looking so much better. I was going nuts over how to deal with the mites and really didn't want to sacrifice any plants so close to harvest. This was my last shotgun attempt and low and behold, a natural pesticide that won't damage your final product in the slightest. Also, follow all the sanitary steps you can think about before entering your grow area. Most importantly, clean everything that comes from the grow shop, especially equipment that has been in other grows such as CO2 tanks.

Good luck.

Edit: Although this method is, in my opinion, THE way to go during the flowering period, I think it's overkill for younger plants in the sense of its cost and risks. Also, no idea how younger plants would hold up to those levels of CO2 but mature plants can take it no sweat.
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Well-Known Member
Where can I buy neem oil? I'm on vancouver island and dont think i have ever seen it for sale anywheres. Any name brand? By the way i love the kootenays. I go for holidays every summer to new denver and hang out at kootenay lake for 2 weeks. Although i have to hang with the wifes parents its still rad
The islands a great place. We visit there a few times a year!!

I bought my neem at the local health food store. Like I said, mix it up, spray every 3 days for 9 days and they will be gone!!