Need major help


Well-Known Member
hey guys its suspose to rain the next couple of day with very high winds so i brought all of my plants is they are only like 7 days old so i have a little box that i put it in with a 70 watt light a wal mart special will this work till it stops raining or is the transfer going to kill them thanks for all the help


Well-Known Member
hey guys its suspose to rain the next couple of day with very high winds so i brought all of my plants is they are only like 7 days old so i have a little box that i put it in with a 70 watt light a wal mart special will this work till it stops raining or is the transfer going to kill them thanks for all the help
If its not an incandescent light it might. Incandescent lights put out more heat than light, you will not be able to get it close enough to do much good, the plants will stretch trying to get to the light. If you promise to keep it just between us, I'll tell you what you might want to do. Promise? Ok. they have these flourescent lights, reading lamps, they use a 27watt compact floro bulb, Costs about $20.00 on sale, I bought mine at Menards. When I first started growing I had a couple of plants I called my oddball plants. I didn't have enough room for them because they were shorter so I used one of those reading lights for just those two plants, this is after transplant so they were in full size pots just like the one you see here. You can ask Hazy Eyes, he can tell you, it is growing under just that light. I would venture to say that you could put ten seedlings under that light for the next week or two, no problem. And you can get it right on top of the plants so they won't stretch. The cola you see in my Avatar is one of the oddball plants, I think I made a smart decision. Remember you promised not to tell anyone about this, heres a picture of it. VV:blsmoke:
PS. The roses ain't doing too bad either.



Well-Known Member
Whoops, I changed the Avatar, I'll go find the other one if you need it, or maybe just look in one of the journals, maybe I posted it there too? VV


Well-Known Member
thats ok but thanks any way hey i was wording if you know what the stuff is called that you wrap the inside of a room with to reflect the light.


Well-Known Member
hey do you know how long they come it only says 10feet wide not how long it is so please help


Well-Known Member
ok thanks iam looking for a good light kit air cooled fulley inclosed do you know where i could find one and help would be nice