Need MAJOR Help

Ace of Buds

watz gud all. ive got a purple haze plant(sativa) that is 10-11 inches tall. it has about 4-5 nodes and it is exactly a month olkd as of yesterday. the branches are purple and the part of the leaf near the branch is purple. i would expect this. now my problem is it looks doesnt look even close to other plants i see. its my first time. give me less than 5 mins and i will post pics up but please help. i would like to improve my plant asap!!! thnx all


Active Member
what kind of lighting are you using?

what is your temp running at?

are you growing in soil?

need some info to help you figure it out mate.....:weed:
five minutes? lol looks like the stoner forgot
but yeah man were gonna need to know about your lights, soil, temps, humidity, growing space and everything else you can tell us.


Active Member
purple can be lots of things like low temps and just plain stress. it can also mean nothing, sounds like its growing fine. watch your plant closely for more definitive symptoms but youll probably be ok. It is a purple strain. try keeping your temps around 75-78 lights on 72-75 lights off. I like 75 on, 72 off.

Ace of Buds

yea please forgive me every1. i was a lil high nd got kinda side tracked. here are the pics nd details:

lights = 2 26watt 6500K 1600lumens cfls
temperature = 68- 80F
soil = iracle grow(didn't know it was bad to use from nute salt build so i know for my next grow)
grow space = uhh about 4' wide and 8' tall
humidity = i have absolutly no clue :/




Well-Known Member
She looks fine, i'd move the light closer, You said they are CFl's right?? Move them literally within cm of the plant and check every hour of so at first to make sure she doesn't get burned.

The purpling could be from cold or it could be simply genetics, I wouldn't get too worried unless yellowing starts to occur or you get brown spots on the leaves.

Nice plant tho


Active Member
hey man, i wouldnt worry too much about the purple showing after all it is a purp strain, i would only be worried about getting more lights in there and a couple of fans to get the air circulating. You will defo need more lights as unless you plan on LST/TOPPING or any training, that plant will get tall and Will need more light. hope this has helped in any way and keep up the good work mate.


Well-Known Member
Besides the fact that she's stretching a bit for the light, she looks good. A sativa plant will grow very tall if you don't train it, and sativa strains need very large amounts of spread out light to grow considering its tall, lanky figure. Sativa comes from the sunny equator regions of the world, this is why indica or bushier sativa strains are the popular choice for indoor grows. I wouldn't put purple haze under cfl's but it can be done if you buy more.

Your plant will do fine I think if you fix your light issue. You're getting watering right for sure, she's nice and perky. And her leaves are a very decent shade of green.

Ace of Buds

Besides the fact that she's stretching a bit for the light, she looks good. A sativa plant will grow very tall if you don't train it, and sativa strains need very large amounts of spread out light to grow considering its tall, lanky figure. Sativa comes from the sunny equator regions of the world, this is why indica or bushier sativa strains are the popular choice for indoor grows. I wouldn't put purple haze under cfl's but it can be done if you buy more.

Your plant will do fine I think if you fix your light issue. You're getting watering right for sure, she's nice and perky. And her leaves are a very decent shade of green.
how many cfls? i was thinkin get like 3 more cfls of the same sort(26watt, 6500K, 1600 lumens) and do i put all the lights on top of the plant or should i put like 2 of em on the sides to get sum more latteral branching going on?


Active Member
Besides the fact that she's stretching a bit for the light, she looks good. A sativa plant will grow very tall if you don't train it, and sativa strains need very large amounts of spread out light to grow considering its tall, lanky figure. Sativa comes from the sunny equator regions of the world, this is why indica or bushier sativa strains are the popular choice for indoor grows. I wouldn't put purple haze under cfl's but it can be done if you buy more.

Your plant will do fine I think if you fix your light issue. You're getting watering right for sure, she's nice and perky. And her leaves are a very decent shade of green.
what you must also remember is that plants from the equatorial regions are used to and grow to there full potential under MASSIVE amounts of light. I think i read somewhere on RIU that equatorial plants are used to around a 100,000 lumens per square foot. And for growing a sativa indoors i would suggest no less than 25000 lumens


Active Member
i would say your best bet would be to get a 250w cfl if thats wat ur lighting approach is and use the others as side lights that way you should have ample lighting all around the plant also mylar really does help. If you are willing to change your setup a bit you can always invest in say a 250w hps? That would be perfect for the 1 plant to flourish under, Keep up the good work mate i hope ive helped a little lol

Ace of Buds

lol ya uve helped alot thnx. im just a little tight on muny nd a hps light + ballast is a little out of my budget. the ones ive seen are like 200 dollars nd da bulbs like 20-40 dollars. but a 250 watt cfl sounds good. idk where to get one like that tho :/ nd do they have those inb the spiral form so i could use one of the lamps i already have?


Active Member
you can either order online or go to a local hydro shop the only thing with the larger cfl's is that you need an E40 lamp holder thats all tho the light itself has a built in ballast and the whole lot shouldnt cost more than like 50quid ( sorry around say 80-90 dollars ), sometimes hardware shops have them a lot cheaper and they tend to have a lead already fitted ( For building site use haha if only they knew ). If you cant find any jus pm me id be happy to find you some links.


Active Member
ask in ur local hardware stores sometimes the privately owned local stores have them quite cheap. try ebay mate ive had some rele good deals on there ive seen the 200w for like $40. Go to the thread in growroom and design named BEST DEALS or sumin like that, u should find something there. I wish you all the best and like i said before if u have a q jus msg me im always happy to help