Need help, white widow 4 1/2 weeks flowering!!

Well, my leaves are starting to yellow, but also have little brown spots on them? what is this? ph is like 6.8-7.I'v been feeding her Neptunes organic harvest 1-4-2, Breeder is seedsmans, any help appreciated.
The tips are not burnt, it's more like a bunch of little reddish brown spots. Full strength, other plant looks great same age. How could I fix a mag deficiency. I have pics but my stupid comeputer is retartded.


Well-Known Member
Unless we see pics we can't be sure it's Mg def. You haven't mentioned anything abt Chlorosis on leaves or ends pointing upwards so I doubt it's Mg.


Active Member
Yo dude,I'm growing ten white widow,4 weeks into flowering and my leaves are starting to turn yellow as well but only the fan leaves and some of the lower growth.I was told that this is normal due to the plant using up a lot of nitrogen during flowering and some flowering nutes don't contain nitrogen. Some of my plants are turning light green as well as some of the lower fan leaves have turned yellow and dropped off.I hope this is all part of the plants life cycle so I've given them a little nitrozyme to boost up the levels,but if it aint,I'm in the shit!!!!



Well-Known Member
They're finishing off. Lower the nutes or get ready to flush. High EC in the pot stops Mg absorbtion, so with a lower dose or water then Mg should be available.
They look good, don't worry. :)


it sounds like you forgot to keep your hands clean... do you smoke ciggs. tobacco is a killer to these plants...


Active Member
White widow does not like much in the way of nutes. When I grew it I had to feed it only 1/2 the recomended ferts. That said, its natural for the plant to rob the lower fan leaves of nutes as it enters the final phase of its life. It does this so as to place all available support to the flowers so as to reproduce. Some strains behave this way more than others, but they all do it.
untitled7.jpguntitled6.jpg here she is as of today, 5th week of flower, I flushed her and i think she looks a little better, I have another plant same size that looks fine. Any Ideas?


Well-Known Member
I do think its Mg/Ca after this picture. Mg isn't absorbed at high EC levels and Im wondering if the PH is in the Mg range. Sometimes lowering the EC and adjusting the PH unlocks it. Otherwise u could add it. If you think she looks better after the flush then I think there is Mg locked out in the pot. Stick with the water for a bit and then reduce ur nutes for this final stage of flowering.


Well-Known Member
The electrical conductivity of the water. It is the measurment given for the amount of dissolved solids in the water. We use it to measure how much fert to put in.