Need help fast... wtf is wrong with my plants?

jack the beanstalk

Active Member
On a related note, I have seen a lot of botanicare grows lately that have really left me deflated. I have seen a couple in person where people had everything lined up and seemingly perfect but for whatever reason it just didn't work out. In those specific cases Botanicare was a common ingredient. I guess HID lights were too so it's just coincidince most likely.
On a related note, I have seen a lot of botanicare grows lately that have really left me deflated. I have seen a couple in person where people had everything lined up and seemingly perfect but for whatever reason it just didn't work out. In those specific cases Botanicare was a common ingredient. I guess HID lights were too so it's just coincidince most likely.
yeah I am thinking it just might be the problem


Well-Known Member
shit, dude that is 1 cool room, top set up. you certainly jumped right in to it lol .the best of luck with that


Well-Known Member
hope this will help​

Figure 4 is definitely an over-fert problem. The high level of nutrients accumulates in the leaves and causes them to dry out and burn up as shown here. You must flush with clear, clean water immediately to allow the roots to recover, and prevent further damage. The find the cause of the high nutrient levels.​

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
youll get it dialed in did you check out that snutters grow. i would switch to an nutes whe i was playen with aero and an ultrasonic fogger they had the least salt build up of anything else i tried


Well-Known Member
if its in dwc make sure the airline going to the airstone isn't getting pinched off somewhere. Ive used botanicare in dwc and never had a problem with salt buildup until around mid flowering. what ec did u say ur at again? you should be at about 1.8-2.4 for those size plants, thats 900-1200 in ppm.