Need Help! Brainstorm 6th week of Flowering, dying by the day!


Well-Known Member
Ok so i am not sure what is really going on with my Brainstorm by Dutch Passion but i need help. I am an aeroponic grower that switched to an Ebb and Gro to grow larger plants. I am currently in my 5-6th week of flowering and i am noticing a large amount of yellowing leaves that are curling down and drooping. There is brown on the edges of some of them and older leaves are turning brown after yellowing. It is effecting fan leaves located all over the plant. I read the stickys about plant problems and i think it may be Over-fertilization or water sitting in the bottom of the bucket. I currently have 30 gallons in my res with plain RO water PH'd to 6.5 I let if run 3 times a day right now and the water went down to 6.3 after the first day of flushing(yesterday). I notice leaves getting yellower and yellower each day and growth has appeared to have stopped. I have the buckets elevated 1" to have all of the water drain. I am normally using FF tiger bloom with Beastie Bloomz and H202. I also supplement with SM-90 and Sweet. I had a Mg issue in the beginning which is why i started using sweet. Furthermore, i had an air stone in the res which i removed after researching about the carbonic acid released from the stone. Any input would be greatly appreciated as i am open to ideas and criticism. Thanks.
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Active Member
hey man they flose to finishing up now, mine are also about 6 weeks now.... they are sucking up the nitrogen and packing on week most leaves would have gone yellow and fallen off..... dont worry about them they are fine


Well-Known Member
In my experiance, some phenos just react differently and lose fan leaves early. Or they just can't handle as much nutrients, or need more then others. In my first grow I had some problems with some plants and others were perfect. Same as my current grow. I'm in 6 week flowering and a few plants have lost alot of their fan leaves to yellowing. Its natural.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I assume it is safe to continue with the feeding schdeule and switch to Cha Ching for the last few weeks? Also, how long were you thinking about letting your go for metroplex? I am just starting to see cloudly trichs and orange hairs.


Active Member
Hey man, I got your PM. From the looks of em, they look pretty close to what mine was looking like. My schedule from that grow was off by almost a week, so pictures I labeled week 6 were actually between 5 and 6 so mine may not look as far along as yours. But once she really started packing on buds (I noticed the most growth between weeks 6 and 7) her older leaves, and some higher up ones, all started to slowly die and eventually fall off. As far as my understanding goes, which is pretty in-line with the above replies, the plant starts to 'use-up' the stored energy in the leaves to make for one final growth spurt.

I think they're looking mighty fine! I'll be interested to hear how much weight you get off her and what you think of the smoke. Pretty tasty in my book. Nothing stupendous, but a pretty solid smoke. I probably could have stood to dry mine a little longer though. Good luck with the rest of it man!


Active Member
hey bro,

i am letting mine go for 8 weeks.... maybe 3 or 4 days extra....

i find when harvesting around day 56-63 they are nice and ripe and tasty (most the time) but if yours are exactly 2 weeks then i'd say stop with the nutes and just water
with plain water for the next 2 weeks..... i personally water with plain water and black strap molasses in the finall 2 weeks,