need answer from a pro!

2 plants grown from seed....1 plant has a main stalk where it has symmetrical branching and tons of secondary growth shoots. Only the secondary growth has alternating nodes. The second plant has a main stalk which HAS alternating nodal branching as well as the secondary growth having alternating nodes. My question is...are one of those plants more likely to be a female and if so which one?


Active Member
There is NO way to reliably tell the sex of your plant until you either switch it to 12/12 or force at least one of the branches to do so by the use of a black paper bag or similar. theres no correlation by how your main stalk branches? When you look at nature it seems all seed and fruit bearing plants have alternating nodes running up the main stalk.


Well-Known Member
There is NO way to reliably tell the sex of your plant until you either switch it to 12/12 or force at least one of the branches to do so by the use of a black paper bag or similar.
Once a plant reaches maturity in veg all you have to do is look between the 6th and 7th node and there shw will show her sex. There is no reason to 12/12 to ID sex.
Alternating nodes is a sign of maturity, look at the 6th and 7 th node. If she is female you will see a upside down spade, if it's male you will see a timy stem with a spade on top.
Alright thanks everybody. I just checked my plant and it looks like female preflowers, pretty sure they are. Theres a few preflowers that are actually looking like they are flowering...they kinda look like the beginning of secondary growth but its the preflower Im 100% positive it is not secondary growth.
I had my plants on 24/0 then switched to 18/6 a week ago after i topped her and pruned any immature secondary shoots...should i give it another week at 18/6 to let the 2 new top shoots grow out some or would it be ok to throw her into flowering now?
GoldenGanja13 after i topped her she appeared to have no stress due to the fact that she continues to grow (the 2 new shoots ect..) It seems that when i switched to 18/6 that getting that first taste of darkness made her begin flowering ( i guess thats auto flowering..idk)


Well-Known Member
She can not flower (unless auto) with 18 hrs of light. Preflowers yes. Signs of maturity. But always give atleast one week after snips/cuts.
Ok thanks alot GG13 I will give her another week and then BOOM!!! She wont know what to do but produce big fat buds.
BTW is there anything wrong with an autoflowering strain?


Well-Known Member
Well the autos are getting better and better. I see nothing wrong with them they are just short on thc and yeild. But they are improving.


New Member
They are great at filling the gaps between regular grows, and in the south they give you the ability to grow 12 months straight.


Well-Known Member
It is not advisable to flower just after you fim/top/clone. The plant needs to heal and then she will be ready. Why stress her?
Just curious but why do you say flower now mud1dnot2?
If the worry is about stressing her out then topping her would be last on the list of things to do. The truth of the matter is, I skipped over the part where he said he just topped them a week ago. A wake-n-bake fuck up. The good advice would be to wait a bit. Usually once they show their pre-flowers, it means they're ready to go into flower, obviously. It's just up to you to decide how big you want the plant to get by the time harvest comes around.