Mysterious mutation or something?


Active Member
Back again with this year's grow everything is going fine, but four of my seedlings turn out looking as the casual weeds or something ... I thought they could be a bit strange in the beginning but this now requires expertise of higher level ...
The strain is unknown but certainly Indica dominant I have smoked this very same pot from my friend and it's all about stoney, whether it is a pot or not, I'm a hundred percent certain that this thing grew out of an Indica based cannabis-looking seed. A friend sponsored 8 seeds and I planted four to try them out, for pictures check the attachments.

I did my homework though ... There appears to be two other cases of a very mysterious and irregular weed-ish strange-lings which appear undocumented before by any means:
I also encountered ABC, but unlikely to have any relation with it. - This thread on the other side have interesting and sorta documented material that also returns other results when searched for in the web.
I have encountered a picture a few months ago when a friend encountered a strange mutations and we did research about it, the picture actually presented a plant which in structure resembled in about every way to those seedlings I currently have, of course in a more mature way and it was in flowering, despite the strange plant's overall structure the buds produced were totally like the female buds of the Cannabis and it was deemed to be cannabis. Unfortunately after two days spending hours of using my best friend - Google, I couldn't find the picture neither post no more. Three reasons there, I'm dumb (always first), SE's fucked up or the guy removed it, 'cause apparently this thing does not resemble cannabis until it starts hardcore bud production and can be in fact used as a high-level camouflage plant. I also remember the post saying the potency was okay, yields were smaller than average.

I appreciate all input, but understand me right, I am trying to reveal a mystery here out of curiosity, rather than being sad to throw into garbage four plants, whether they are cannabis or not. I do think this is quite interesting.

P.S. If you have noticed the smaller seedlings growing right next to the focus of this thread and thinking "it's the same thing" pay attention to the structure of both plants, it is different. Most noticeable spot for this is the tops and leaf development on the tops. I will be posting more pictures and continuously following the progression of the "TurtleCannabis Ninja Mutants".

Cheers and happy growing everyone!
~ HashSmoke420



Well-Known Member
Pretty sure this is a troll thread if the person had ever grown before (he is implying he had by saying "back again for this years grow") he would know that this isn't even slightly related to the cannabis plant we all know and love


Active Member
I can upload a picture of the seeds, but it is casual Indica seed anyone can see online. And so far nothing new about it, I know it doesn't look like Cannabis, but it still grew out of Cannabis seed, that's the mystery here. I've got 30 plants growing this season, mostly Indica dominants, so don't think me a newb. But yeah, I'm interested to follow the progression of these four in particular.

Prince4118, troll post? Maybe I have mistaken the forum.

If anyone considers this nothing more than a spam, feel free to contact a moderator and delete this thread.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
doesn't matter how many pic's of seeds you post, it doesn't change the fact those are not pot plants, nor does it look like a controlled grow but rather just some random weeds

I don't know what exactly are you looking for but no one is going to believe those are pot plants mostly because they are not cannabis


I looked at the links you provided. They weren't much help other than to confirm that this happens from time to time. You'll notice that one of the threads ends with the grower confirming that the plant ended up being a random weed.

I've had random shoots pop out of "clean" soil that ended up being random weed (usually clover). You can't see the seed in the soil, but its there. Particularly because you planted your seed outside where there are a gazillion random seeds floating around, it's not unusual for something like this to happen.

Keep growing it to satisfy your curiosity, and come back and let us know, but it's not Weed; it's A weed.