Myles' new home :) welcome all stoners n growers


Well-Known Member
thanks declectic :)

perfect propagation area for a sea of green 2 week perpetual system :D just wait my friend


Well-Known Member
hey free :D idk if it goes by that name but its latin is Crassula argentea if dat helps :)

hey kev, things are good. just got oudda work. my new veg t5 bulbs came today so ill be testing em out. excited bout the 10,000k 6500k spectrum mixing :D


Well-Known Member
Shoulda went LED √ I'm subbed up, just read through your grow....Been a while since I've seen a T5, can't wait till the flowering.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
myles is a t5 whore lol he loves his mercury ;) haha, he switch eventually, but still to pricey for his coverage area i think he said. Can't remember what we talked about. But you cant argue with results and t5's give good results for personal specially when your on a two week chop schedule like this fucker lol
what you think of my MJ plants freee? poke :)

They are perfection, like their owner. ;) I expected nothing less.

I'm fucking glad to see you growing again. Do you realize that over three years ago, you practically taught me to grow? I probably owe you thousands in saved cash from not having to visit the man anymore. :hug:

The smilies here are weird. :p Lots of action though huh? Busy place. :)


Well-Known Member
i pride myself very much on how many people i have helped become th egrowers they are today :)

are you grwoing currently fre? :D


Well-Known Member
cloner is in and it is lookin perfect for me :) nice compact and can root up to 8 at a time. only downside i saw was that the sprayer head gets clogged easily so im gunna run straight RO water and no nutrients or clone solutions. they seem to get me a lil crud that starts to grow in rez towards end of cloning round.
also moved lights around so i cna fit the fan in. i may remove that fan to give me a lil more plant space later but for now i have 3 10X20 trays for plants.
