My Subcool- Ready? Hi reso pics! (Jacks Cleaner x Space Queen)


Active Member
This is one girl-

This is two girl-

I NEED INPUT. 64th day.

They ready? Wait or cut?



BOTH ARE DIFFERENT. one seems way further ahead...


Active Member
BOTH ARE DIFFERENT. one seems way further ahead... have stopped nutes for about a week now. so practically the "flush" has begun.. want to flush through with some excess water today just to clean her out some more is this a good idea??? or just keep watering normally? IN THE END like said I'm thinking one more week, just normal watering then chop?? What should I look for to ensure final chop day..... this is the problem I'm having! first time with this strain shes so nice though.


Active Member
I would wait a week or so. def flush them asap
They have been off nutes for a little over a week, so another week will be two weeks.

[Too me flushing is just discontinuing nutes, running the (3 to 1 / h20 to soil) once or twice during those two wks and then continuing to normal watering until chop.] right?

correct my flush technique if wrong thanks! & if anyone can recommend whats a key area to look at for the final days chop let me know, I'm stumped with these.


Well-Known Member
you can do the trich thing with a 30x jewelers loop
or a $10 microscope (100x), which I find better than the loop
for a more practical approach, when the pistols turn orange and start to retreat into the bud, they're done
the first picture is definitely further along
i'd say another week on the first picture and maybe 2-3 on the second
just guessing
i usually flush when I figure 2 weeks remain in the grow


Active Member
you can do the trich thing with a 30x jewelers loop
or a $10 microscope (100x), which I find better than the loop
for a more practical approach, when the pistols turn orange and start to retreat into the bud, they're done
the first picture is definitely further along
i'd say another week on the first picture and maybe 2-3 on the second
just guessing
i usually flush when I figure 2 weeks remain in the grow
yeah i got the trich scope, but i think i need to get a better one, my 30x is just not giving me the visual i want haha.

100x for sure i will find one.

i agree with you on those week ratings, so pretty much im right on schedule.. oh & when they turn orange and retreat there will obviously still be some white pistils-- i mean ill have about 75% orange, thats what im thinking?? thanks a lot for the feedback bro! cheers!!


Well-Known Member
I love all the colors that these subcool strains have. Beautiful plant bro but I vote not ready.


Well-Known Member
you can get a 100x microscope at radio shack - has a light
but you will need to take a bud leaf, put it on a white background and use a steady table
the trichs show up quite nicely
but really, all you need to do is monitor the pistols
when they are mostly orange and receded = ready to harvest
looks like a very nice harvest is on its way


Well-Known Member
it is at 9 week 1 day 12/12 right?? well the trics look like they are all milky white but they could take anything from a couple of days to a couple of weeks to go amber. if it was me i would flush now for a week then just check the trics everyday after that.


Active Member
it is at 9 week 1 day 12/12 right?? well the trics look like they are all milky white but they could take anything from a couple of days to a couple of weeks to go amber. if it was me i would flush now for a week then just check the trics everyday after that.

Yeah they are pretty milky looking and I would say 40-50% most, the hairs turned orange, I want to know from THOSE PICS posted whats the opinion on harvest times, obviously.

I am going to flush, by running through water one time at 3 to 1, thats it.?

Is this correct.. I have also been told not to even do that. Should I flush all or just the ones further along, and then flush the others when they catch up.........

grape swisha

Well-Known Member
i was right it is subs pics. this guy is a fraud dont help him out. if you dont believe me then look at the first pic then go to attidude and look at the third pic for TGA Subcool Agent Orange.


Active Member
and his second pic is the 1st one for subcool agent orange
Your the fraud pimp. with your horrible attitude!

My AO is exactly 100% the same, due to extreme circumstances I am not uploading anything ATM. Input for my situation is viable through the Subcool pics.. THERE IS NO DIFFERNCE.

Get up get out and get something moving in your life bro! You blaze herb and your that grouched.. damn sucks for your girl.


Active Member
Your the fraud pimp. with your horrible attitude!

My AO is exactly 100% the same, due to extreme circumstances I am not uploading anything ATM. Input for my situation is viable through the Subcool pics.. THERE IS NO DIFFERNCE.

Get up get out and get something moving in your life bro! You blaze herb and your that grouched.. damn sucks for your girl.
LASTLY you dont know me so obviously you dont know sub.

When harvest pics are posted and im sky high youll be dreaming in jealousy like you are now.. oh wait.. im already sky high off preharv buds. and 2 month old jarred AO from last attempt. hahah.

attitudes like that get nowhere in life.. sorry to be the first one to break this too you.! dont comment my thread if your going to try and hijack it to look cool online. the community is for educational purposes, if i want to relate harvest times to photos identical to subs verse our newest experiments let it be, in the end its to get to the same point-- PEAK HARVEST TIMES with OPINIONS from real growers. DITCH YOUR FEMALE MOODSWINGS and stick around bro, dont bash.

grape swisha

Well-Known Member
haha but you was tryna act like they ya pics. hahahaha this kid is a lame. i hope everybody lookin at this thread read my last two posts and dont help this kid out. i wasnt even talkin shit to you i just said you jacked pics cuz you did and you act like i got a attitude by bitchin at me and tryna say i got moodswings. wow.