My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!! #2


Well-Known Member
Ok everyone here are some pics from today, and it is day 6 of flowering bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie

I finally got my nutrients today and they got there first watering with them today so hopefully they turnout nice :weed::weed::weed:

So here are some pics....

Plants today before they were tucked back under...

Plants taken out of the box for a few pics....this is the last time the screen will be taken off

Showing the stem growth from the re-veg

Pics of the newly trimmed and tucked back plants.....

They also got a misting tonight right before the lights went off bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie Comments and advise always welcome :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
lol the old buds look fuckin gross! cut that shit off lol
Too late man the screen is down for good now....but they arent that bad, its just dead bone dry leaves/ you cant see them at all unless you are pulling the plant down bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Active Member
Looks fucking bomb mate. I'll keep tabs. I started my grow two weeks ago in a really closed space as well, I'm glad to see yours turning out so beautiful!


Well-Known Member
Looks fucking bomb mate. I'll keep tabs. I started my grow two weeks ago in a really closed space as well, I'm glad to see yours turning out so beautiful!
Thanks man, ya its turning out real nice, hopefully it continues and i get a decent yield! :weed::weed:
nice job w/ the reveg..y no cloning?
Thanks for the comments everyone.....but when i started this grow it just so happened that my buddy was cutting his plants down, so i took 3 of them because i have seen someone re-veg in a rubbermaid nicely and thought i would give it a whirl so i did and it turned out great...and i didnt clone these ones before i flowered them because im going to be doing a new strain probably trainwreck for my next grow bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
they have filled that screan very nicely good job man
Thanks man, and ya it really has....they looked really good today after they have already grown back through the screen a little bit...Ill try and get pics up tomorrow they are growing by the day!!!


Well-Known Member
looks good,just make sure you have a fan blowing underneath the screen to get nice sturdy stems and branches to support the weight


Well-Known Member
Dude well done....SOG almost even....think i might copy your setep on my next grow. JUst not sure about fans, gotat be easier way then chopping a ac adapter.
It is actually way easy man....took me like 5 mins max, just cut strip twist wires together then either electrical tape or those cone looking wire connectors piece of cake :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Ok everyone the plants are looking fantastic (to me at least) it has been only 6 days since they have been tucked under the screen last and they are coming along nicely. The screen is barley visible and it looks like i have plenty of tops coming up....anyways here are the pics, sit back and enjoy bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie

All 3


There you go...let me know what you think :weed::weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
I just read thru the whole journal, and
I have to say I do like how this is coming along.

I've never seen anyone re-veg before but this is
really nice.

I'm subscribed...



Active Member
So what do u think is it faster than going from seed?

I cant wait to see if there s gonna be any hermie... i hope not!
Actually i dont think this would cause that much stress... but everybody is so concerned about this stressing thing... heres gonna be the proof, that these are tuff Plants :P

Other thing: Did u use some root stimulating gel in the begging?