My stash keeps going off


Active Member
Hey Guys,

I have been growing for a few years now. I have had trouble with molds ever since moving into this new address.

I lost 3 grows in a row to grey mold, but I have since added new fans and air con and my last grow was a success.

What I have noticed however is something that is driving me up the wall. My last grow had no signs of mold at all, no visual signs, no smell, no taste. I water cured it just to make sure I would get mold.

I have noticed that my stash of buds smells just like you would expect, but from the day I crack a bud open, each day it starts to smell worse and worse. Starting with a flowery perfume smell on day 2 and getting more and more bite as the days roll on. Bagging the mull seems to delay the change by a day or two.

This isnt just with my grown buds either. I have had buds mailed in and the same thing happened, couple of days after mulling it starts to go off.

This has never happened to me before, and I would give my left nut to figure stop it.

In frustration I grabbed my last stash of buds, dipped them in water that had baking soda and sodium peroxide in it, then baked in the oven at 100 degrees celcisu until die.

It seems to have eradicated the nasty taste... although its hard to tell because it seems as through I may have baked too long... although it still gives a high, it tastes like burnt herbs lol... next time I will limit it to 10 mins and then hang dry I think.

Any thoughts? Anyone ever have this sort of problem?

I live in a new housing estate... lots of development going on.. I am wondering of theres some type of bacteria in the dirt.. it does get very dusty around here from all the building.


Active Member
I have other dried herbs and vegetables in the house and non of them seem to go bad.

Its so bizarre.

Its like an almost sweet flowery tang... I cant believe I am the only one to experience this


Active Member
I actually did a little experimentation with the last batch.

I took what was left of the harvested cured buds and treated them in bicarb soda, water with a dash of Hydrogen Peroxside mix, soaked the mixture off and dried them in the oven at 100 deg Celsius.

I may have overdone the oven a little, some of them are quite crisp now to the point of over done however the smell/taste hasnt developed once the buds are cracked open as other buds have from the same batch.

I will have to experiment more with the next batches, but perhaps a less extreme procedure could help treat the buds before/after drying to prevent any molds or bacteria


Active Member
I actually did a little experimentation with the last batch.

I took what was left of the harvested cured buds and treated them in bicarb soda, water with a dash of Hydrogen Peroxside mix, soaked the mixture off and dried them in the oven at 100 deg Celsius.

I may have overdone the oven a little, some of them are quite crisp now to the point of over done however the smell/taste hasnt developed once the buds are cracked open as other buds have from the same batch.

I will have to experiment more with the next batches, but perhaps a less extreme procedure could help treat the buds before/after drying to prevent any molds or bacteria
i've got a fix for ya

i used to have this same problem
dank ass sweet smelling sticky icky herb that got me waaaayyyyy too high
it's those little maggots
you need a scope to really see them
it's because you use lights to grow your plants - this attracts the maggots
whne you cut your plants, the maggots die and rot
stuff your buds in some butter and soak the corpses off - then dry and smoke
should taste nice and assy and not trouble you with being high at all
send me the butter - i collect maggots


Active Member
Sounds plausible... just need to figure out if it only applied to buds grown in this house.

I got another package arrive in the next few days, will be interested to see if it starts to go bad as well.

Sounds to me like there may be some sort of pot eating bug infesting my house... If this is the case how would one exterminate them entirely?


hahahahah right... send you butter.

i've got a fix for ya

i used to have this same problem
dank ass sweet smelling sticky icky herb that got me waaaayyyyy too high
it's those little maggots
you need a scope to really see them
it's because you use lights to grow your plants - this attracts the maggots
whne you cut your plants, the maggots die and rot
stuff your buds in some butter and soak the corpses off - then dry and smoke
should taste nice and assy and not trouble you with being high at all
send me the butter - i collect maggots


Active Member
I actually did a little experimentation with the last batch.

I took what was left of the harvested cured buds and treated them in bicarb soda, water with a dash of Hydrogen Peroxside mix, soaked the mixture off and dried them in the oven at 100 deg Celsius.

I may have overdone the oven a little, some of them are quite crisp now to the point of over done however the smell/taste hasnt developed once the buds are cracked open as other buds have from the same batch.

I will have to experiment more with the next batches, but perhaps a less extreme procedure could help treat the buds before/after drying to prevent any molds or bacteria
oh my God.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
water curing and all that shit arent going to help your buds taste like buds.
Youre ruining your dope by doing this.

Mold sucks, you need to clean out your room. get in there, and scrub it out nice and deep like. Ozone works great, too. Buy an ozone generator and run it in your room for a day or so. (dont run it while you or your plants are in there).

Another issue you could have is improper drying/curing.
When you first harvest your buds, they should smell bomb. The curing process is crucial to preserving those terpenes (smells)

You need to slowly dry them (5-10 days, until the stems will snap, not bend), and then put them sealed jars after they dry. "Burp" the jars every day for a week or so to let out any extra moisture.
If you jar up your buds too early, you'll get that kind of moldy/hay smell.
After a good long cure, the hay smell should go away.

stop dipping your buds in water. stop putting your buds in the oven


Active Member
Am I lost or what why are you soaking buds in water? This thread makes my headhurt.

Water curing is perfectly legitimate curing method that has worked for me in the past many many times. Look it up :-)

I usually water cure at least a few branches. Its great for taking out of the house once dried because a lot of weed smell is gone. You could smoke water cured bud in public and no one would be able to smell it.

Great for traveling interstate.


Active Member
water curing and all that shit arent going to help your buds taste like buds.
Youre ruining your dope by doing this.

Mold sucks, you need to clean out your room. get in there, and scrub it out nice and deep like. Ozone works great, too. Buy an ozone generator and run it in your room for a day or so. (dont run it while you or your plants are in there).

Another issue you could have is improper drying/curing.
When you first harvest your buds, they should smell bomb. The curing process is crucial to preserving those terpenes (smells)

You need to slowly dry them (5-10 days, until the stems will snap, not bend), and then put them sealed jars after they dry. "Burp" the jars every day for a week or so to let out any extra moisture.
If you jar up your buds too early, you'll get that kind of moldy/hay smell.
After a good long cure, the hay smell should go away.

stop dipping your buds in water. stop putting your buds in the oven

Thanks for the input however I have had the 4 last grows turn bad in 3 different grow areas that I set up and scrubbed each time. At harvest there was no sign of mold, no smell, no visible signs, no taste.

I am not a noob I know how to cry and cure weed. I have been growing for 4 years now.

I have used water curing in the past on some of my branches as mentioned above however for this grow after 3 failures due to this nasty taste I decided to water cure the lot in order to minimize the time it needed to dry.

The bad taste is not due to the cure. Over the past 3 harvests I have tried combinations of slow dry, quick dry and water curing to see if it helped. Each produced the same result:

Good smelling buds that once cracked open develop a very pronounced floral/metal/chemical taste that gets worse and worse until its unsmokable.

It seems to me that there is something either dormant in the bud of in my house itself that likes to ferment once the buds are cracked open, maybe when they come into contact with oxygen.


Active Member
oh my God.

Thanks for your valuable input but WTF would you do? What would you do if every batch you grew developed into a foul taste after cracking open each bud no matter what drying/curing method you used. You would experiment if your batch had nothing left to lose would you?


Active Member
Ozone works great, too. Buy an ozone generator and run it in your room for a day or so. (dont run it while you or your plants are in there).
Actually I think this is great advice. I didnt think of that before. May as well Ozone the entire house.

Why shouldnt this be run while the plant is in there?