My Soil is Turning Rock Hard


New Member
i just put them in soil maybe 2 days ago so nothing really sprouted out of the soil yet but im worried if it gets all hard theres no way there gonna sprout, what should i do is it a big problem, i need some help


If your soil is wet underneath but forming a hard crust on top, just spray the top of your soil with water when needed. It will soften the top up enough that the seedlings can push through.


Well-Known Member
What kind of soil do u use? And no ur soil shouldn't be hard and if it is it will be hard for any thing to push threw.


Well-Known Member
They ain't nothing wrong with that. I use root organics and I don't like it. I'm going back to fox farm it's to expensive to me but I use the cheap to mix with it and walmart has dollar bags of humus and manure and u can stretch the good stuff further! I do that and get two zips dried per plant or so. But just try to break it up a lil at the top and it should do fine. Good luck


Active Member
if your potting soil is compacting too much when it dries add some vermiculite to it. seedlings need a soft, light soil mix so they can push through it easily.


New Member
if your potting soil is compacting too much when it dries add some vermiculite to it. Seedlings need a soft, light soil mix so they can push through it easily.
ok thanks also im kinda a newbie so when u say add vermiculite just put some on top or what?

Mr.Therapy Man 2

Active Member
You need to mix extra perlite with your soil,this is a must to get plants to uptake nutes.Plants go through a wet and dry cycle and with out perlite or verm.your plants have trouble draining


Well-Known Member
take the seeds out of the soil. go get a cup. fill the cup 1/4 of the way with water. put the seed in the cup with the water. place the cup with the water and seeds in a dark place. check on the seeds everyday until you see a white root coming from the seed. moisten the potting soil with water. don't flood the potting soil. don't saturate the potting soil. place the seed about 1/2 inch below the surface of the potting soil. place a light over the potting soil where the seed will sprout. check on the seed everyday. if the soil looks dry around the seed area moisten it with a couple of drops of water. don't saturate the potting soil. don't flood the potting soil. keep the potting soil moist by checking it everyday.


New Member
take the seeds out of the soil. go get a cup. fill the cup 1/4 of the way with water. put the seed in the cup with the water. place the cup with the water and seeds in a dark place. check on the seeds everyday until you see a white root coming from the seed. moisten the potting soil with water. don't flood the potting soil. don't saturate the potting soil. place the seed about 1/2 inch below the surface of the potting soil. place a light over the potting soil where the seed will sprout. check on the seed everyday. if the soil looks dry around the seed area moisten it with a couple of drops of water. don't saturate the potting soil. don't flood the potting soil. keep the potting soil moist by checking it everyday.
I'm afraid to do this the plants state to sprout today but I appreciate the help


Active Member
There might be too much peat in your soil. I bought a cheap-o bag of soil and it did the same thing. It got so dry and hard that it was like a brick, so when I watered the water just ran down the sides and out the holes in the bottom of the pots. It's too late for me to transplant them to different soil, so I do what I can. I've found that misting the top of the soil with a spray bottle of water, and then scraping the top layer up a bit with a fork helps. Just be careful later on because I accidentally hit a root with the fork. It didn't screw up the plant really, but I'm sure it didn't help either.

Good luck bro!
If your soil is hard already. I would not even start, you are walking to a rough time. So lets make it easy, got get light soil, I use sunshine mix, but if you do not have access to that, then you can go to your local garden center or lowes. But only buy soil that does not contain any nutrients or that moisture lock stuff. in it, like miracle grow soil is very bad. If you have to buy organic soil and a large bag of per lite which you can get at lowes. mix well add worm casting if you have
excess to that. You want a light soil, not to compacted down in the container either. This is the best way of making decent soil if you can't get blocks of sunshine or you run hydro.