My REALLY messed up elbows *pix*


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, what wrong with my elbows? A bone sticks out of it, I mean everyone has this bump, but my is grossly oversized, pretty fucked up huh? Whenever I get a physical from a doctor,they look at it and momentarily freeze, then just go on with the exam, they always look startled when they see it though, they probably just dont want to diagnose it because they dont know what the fuck it is hahaha.:neutral:

Oh yeah theres also a picture of my bongbongsmilie Enjoy.:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Not really, that bone that sticks out kind of protects anything from hitting my funny bone. So I just hit that bulging bone on everything, and beleive me, it doesnt feel like a funny bone.


New Member
its cuz your skinny thats y if u had more meat on ya arms then it wouldnt be as bad..... im skinny tooo power to the skinnies hahaha


Well-Known Member
awww gawd the last 2 comments really make me feel self concious guys...

hahah jk, I got made fun of a lot back in school about my elbows, kinda learned to accept it.

SO do you guys think with rigorous arm exersizes I could beef up and eventually gain enough muscle to make it not look as bad?


Well-Known Member
It looks like your elbows are just a little bigger than they should be.

Theres no muscle over that bone so building up your arms all together will probably make it look worse.

The only work out I can see that would maybe make it less noticeable would be to work your triceps like a mofo but then again being skinny like you are building muscle probably isn't the easiest thing for you to accomplish, it would probably just tone its self out like most skinny people do.

long story short......ya got some funky elbows and you will, probably, for the rest of your life.
Take solace in the fact that everything else is normal.
Theres a lot of people worse off than you ya know?

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
Digging the bong, man. That is some supremely ghetto shit.

But, hey. We've all been there. That's why I only roll joints or hit a friend's glass.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, beer and some weights. You need to pack on the girth to compensate for that deformed elbow.


Active Member
They probably take a second look at it thinking it is olecranon bursitis. It looks like you just have a very pronounced olecranon process (interior elbow tip) As long as there is no pain you should be fine. Gotta be honest though, if you were my dog... I'd probably put you down.