My plants look dieing


New Member
Hey guys i planted 3 plants and 2 already germinated, i let them in a dark place for 3 days and yesterday i looked at it and nothjing was there, now today they have sprouted... the plants look kinda dieing i wonder whats wrong? here are some pics...

Now i put them outside, on the sun... they have enuf water and the ph is fine...

P5230510.jpg P5230509.jpg P5230507.jpg P5230508.jpg

The first two pics are from one plant, which is looking fine but its leave is yellow... what can i do to make it healthier??

And the second plant looks like dieing its a bit "brown" in the leave ...

I have this thing its BactoHemp, should i used it on the plants ? it says it gives plants bacteries that defend plants... ppl say its good what do u guys know about it?

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
All I can say is...Don't fuck with them, you'll kill them with kindness.

They look like new sprouts to me.

Good luck and have fun.


I second mr hugo, those are some young uns that dont need anything but light, are you drowning them with water? if the pot your using is heavy that may be the case. babies wont drink a lot because they cant put it to good use anywhere.


Well-Known Member
right now there living off the energy the seed has stored up they need no nutes there probably yellow because now is the time they start producing chlorophyll they should green up if they dont then your soil has too many nutrients in it and on the next grow should be mixed down with hydroponic moss / coco / perlite i use perlite and moss


Well-Known Member
They look like normal sprouts to me, just let them do their thing, there's nothing wrong with them.


Nice looks normal to me also, the babies are just growing up, must be patient they have a long road ahead of them.


Well-Known Member
they look good not water them ......wait 2 3 days then give it one cup of water and wait 2 days u will be happy happy happy