My plants getting brown tips?


Well-Known Member
Well my plant is pretty healthy but I am starting to come across a problem with brown tips on the lower and middle leafs.

I know its not burn from my CFLS because none of the higher leafs have any indication of browning.

Just the very tips are brown and on one the browness has moved up about half way.

I can't get any light to those leafs because they are inside the pot and the leafs above it are quite huge.

It either has something to do with nutes defincency or they aren't receiving any light.

Are these brown tips a problem? How can it be fixed?


New Member
Brown tips are indicative of nutrient burn. Flush the plants really well ... until clear water is running out of the bottoms of the pots. This will clear out all residual nutrients. Wait a couple of days, then resume with nutrients at 1/4 strength.
