My plant is growing really slow...

My plant is a week and six days old. And its only like 5 1/2 inches tall. the only leaves it has are the first set because i topped the second set like 4 days ago. is it growing bad?? cant post pics.


Well-Known Member
that's an ok height for two weeks but it should have more nodes by now. also, awfully early to be toppng


Well-Known Member
hahaha ur getting way ahead of yourself kid, read a bit and have patience man. its not growing bc u chopped the only set of leaves it had so not much photosynthesis is happening. even if ur out of weed man and flower straight from seed u still looking at 10weeks and a crappy yield


Well-Known Member
why would u top if u want to supercrop? why didnt u just bend the stem down? as for your plant 6 inches tall is fine for 2 weeks.