My mom ate two pot brownies


Staff member
Pretty fucking stupid to leave them out for her to eat them. Pretty fucking stupid not telling her BEFORE she put them in her mouth. If she is drug tested and loses her job it will follow her wherever she goes. Congratulations on being a great son. I mean, all your mom has ever done is love you, clothe you, feed you, care for you when you were ill, made sure you had a roof over your head. She spent your entire life protecting you and cherishing you. And your way of thanking her is by jeopardizing her career and fucking up her life because you want her to change her mind about YOU getting stoned. Brilliant! Just Brilliant!
i agree with this, why would you let her ingest that?
there is no way she'll be "cool" with it , if you do tell which you should anyways, shes going to be pissed.
Also treadstarter how old are you? seems like your under 18


Well-Known Member
He is feasibly 18. If he appears to be under 18, plenty of 30 + year olds here don't sound much further advanced.

I hope he asked permission to cook pot in the kitchen, stinking out the oven and ventilation system.


Well-Known Member
At least she didn't freak out like that cop did when he and his wife ate some. His 911 call was all over the news and internet, the guy thought he was going to die.

So seriously fucked up and uncool. It's not funny at all. If you live there you better hope she doesn't kick you out for that. If I was her husband you'd be getting the beating of a lifetime.

I hate immature people who do dumb shit like this. You have just introduced yourself to bad Karma for this one. People can lose their minds when they're that fucked up and don't know why.

Wow.....just wow.


Well-Known Member
You gave an unknowing person YOUR drugs. Your mom no less. The right thing to do would be to tell her. What happens if she keeps popping them vics mistakenly thinking that she liked the way she felt.


Active Member
Pretty fucking stupid to leave them out for her to eat them. Pretty fucking stupid not telling her BEFORE she put them in her mouth. If she is drug tested and loses her job it will follow her wherever she goes. Congratulations on being a great son. I mean, all your mom has ever done is love you, clothe you, feed you, care for you when you were ill, made sure you had a roof over your head. She spent your entire life protecting you and cherishing you. And your way of thanking her is by jeopardizing her career and fucking up her life because you want her to change her mind about YOU getting stoned. Brilliant! Just Brilliant!
Yes it was pretty fucking stupid and also not my fault. Not that I'm shooting blame but my girl fixed them. I barely step foot in the kitchen. I was hihh when she got home. That's my excuse. The only time her job ever drug tested was pre employment. The odds of them doing a random dt are very small.

Me and my girl thought of the idea of saying telling her that there are two brownies missing and asking if she knew about it. When she says she ate them then we will put on shocked expressions saying they were pot brownies. I think this is an awesome idea


Well-Known Member
Yes it was pretty fucking stupid and also not my fault. Not that I'm shooting blame but my girl fixed them. I barely step foot in the kitchen. I was hihh when she got home. That's my excuse. The only time her job ever drug tested was pre employment. The odds of them doing a random dt are very small.

Me and my girl thought of the idea of saying telling her that there are two brownies missing and asking if she knew about it. When she says she ate them then we will put on shocked expressions saying they were pot brownies. I think this is an awesome idea
Lol, so you're blaming your girl for not being a good enough slave in the kitchen? Don't matter how you tell her, just that you tell her.


Active Member
i agree with this, why would you let her ingest that?
there is no way she'll be "cool" with it , if you do tell which you should anyways, shes going to be pissed.
Also treadstarter how old are you? seems like your under 18
I'm 18. And I didn't let her eat them. She came home earlyier than I thought said hey to me and the guys then went and ate the brownies.


Honesty is the key man! And picture being your mom and hearing that the reason she felt better was because of the weed. If she is a rational person she will respect you for telling her and also make her feel ok about smoking mane!!!


Active Member
He is feasibly 18. If he appears to be under 18, plenty of 30 + year olds here don't sound much further advanced.

I hope he asked permission to cook pot in the kitchen, stinking out the oven and ventilation system.
When I know there is cannibutter being made I close all vents shut all doors except the padio and front. I open all windows. The smell was gone after the brownies were made.


Well-Known Member
When I know there is cannibutter being made I close all vents shut all doors except the padio and front. I open all windows. The smell was gone after the brownies were made.

Fair enough, but I'll reiterate Neo's point that she could pop more of the pills unless you tell her, quick.

Invest in a cake tin.

'I was high' is not an excuse. It's a good idea to set up what you want to do whilst and after you get high. Basic chores like keeping the kitchen tidy, included. For example, If I have a stack of work to get through, I write a to-do list, set all tools and files within arms' reach and organize all cleaning up before I get fucked. Try it.

Neosapien, I can't Rep you, but I would.


Active Member
At least she didn't freak out like that cop did when he and his wife ate some. His 911 call was all over the news and internet, the guy thought he was going to die.

So seriously fucked up and uncool. It's not funny at all. If you live there you better hope she doesn't kick you out for that. If I was her husband you'd be getting the beating of a lifetime.

I hate immature people who do dumb shit like this. You have just introduced yourself to bad Karma for this one. People can lose their minds when they're that fucked up and don't know why.

Wow.....just wow.
I thought we were cool, relaxed pot smokers! Its not like I planed it. "Shit Happens". She is ok. She was fucked up and she thought it was because of her meds. So in her mind, she did know why she was fucked up. "Bad Karma"? Wtf man. If anything I helped. If you actually think about it I did absoulutly nothing wrong. I'm "immature" ? How.


Well-Known Member
The OP is a Douche-Bag: Junior Grade.

I only say DB:JG because I suspect he is a minor.

Where to begin?

1) Using cannabis in a house where your foster Mom forbade it.

2) Allowing said foster Mom to ingest cannabis without her knowledge or consent.

3) Allowing said foster Mom to mix prescription drugs with cannabis (unbeknownst to her).

That's douche-bag territory. Embrace it.

Or just follow your heart and put it in her ass.


Active Member

Fair enough, but I'll reiterate Neo's point that she could pop more of the pills unless you tell her, quick.

Invest in a cake tin.

'I was high' is not an excuse. It's a good idea to set up what you want to do whilst and after you get high. Basic chores like keeping the kitchen tidy, included. For example, If I have a stack of work to get through, I write a to-do list, set all tools and files within arms' reach and organize all cleaning up before I get fucked. Try it.

Neosapien, I can't Rep you, but I would.
We plan on telling her when she wakes to get my bro from work. I didn't need a "to do" list because everything I needed to do was done. The brownies were on the counter cooling or whatever. But you are right. I shouldn't have left them. Ill give neo the rep though. I see his point as well