my little nugzz


so this is my main girl, its been budding for about a month. they smell sososo sweet. any good tips on how to dry and cure my buds? this will be my first harvest ever. bongsmiliethe second picture is a close up of the top. sorry for the crappy pic quality



Well-Known Member
so this is my main girl, its been budding for about a month. they smell sososo sweet. any good tips on how to dry and cure my buds? this will be my first harvest ever. bongsmiliethe second picture is a close up of the top. sorry for the crappy pic quality
if you already cut those throw them out is your best bet.


Well-Known Member
I would suggest to always keep your planters free of organic plant matter as it will eventually start to break down and rot increasing your chances of mold.


Well-Known Member
Don't be discouraged by the people that want to talk shit. It's dope and you grew it yourself, that makes it worthwhile.

Make sure to give + reps to the 2 folks that gave you good advice, ignore the rest of them and grow on.

At one month into flowering there is still plenty of time to help your girls get even better. This site is a gold mine of info, it's all here, the Stickies at the top of each forum are an excellent place to start.


Well-Known Member
if you already cut those throw them out is your best bet.
I agree, I don't know why or how people grow plants like this, but all that time for a few grams is not my game.
Fair play to you if your happy with it but how it's so small is beyond me, better luck next time.:roll:


Active Member
My guess is that this is the Grand Daddy strain and he tried to top it to get multiple colas. This is the kind of result I would expect...


I wasn't trying to discourage you im simply giving you advice ive have always been told do not keep dead leaves in your grow area.
oh okay i thought u were talking about the buds.
and also this is the SMALL plant, i also have a 3 foot one in there along with this one, but its buds arent going as well as these are. i have no idea why they arent but my guess is because the plant is bigger.
and yes i did top it once.:eyesmoke:


Active Member
Maybe mix more vermiculite with the soil to give it more drainage. Also give it some organic fertilizer now and then and use a bigger pot. Use water that is on the acidic side, 5.5-6.5pH and pleease use distilled or use a Berkey shower filter. You could try using compact fluorescents for these little grows, they sell them on E Bay in blue (grow) spectrum and red (bloom) spectrum.


this retard was on my account trying to talk like they are his plansts. LOL. He knows literally nothing about growing. he has just been around me and my plants. kiss-assthats him kissin my ass cause he thinks he is smokin some.

oh and whoever said to throw them out, f**k you all. this is a first grow. its all for me. and i didnt spend a dime on it. i am just testin out my green thumb before the real grow.

thank you to everyone who had something good or helpful to say


Well-Known Member
Have fun smoking premature bud dude I hope you don't get a headache
You should do research before you start growing because clearly you and your friend are in the same boat with knowing nothing about growing
A plant flowering for a month is not ready that is like common sense
And you didn't spend a dime on it? You didn't pay for electricity? Still living with your mommy and daddy I take it?


Active Member
Wow dude fuck all these haters they think they are the shit cuz they can grow good weed. Wow big fuckin deal. You will get better as time goes on. You will learn all the tricks and everything. Who cares if its small and does not have that much, he obviously doesn't give a shit. Why criticize him so much? Its a lil harsh dont ya think?


Well-Known Member
Wow dude fuck all these haters they think they are the shit cuz they can grow good weed. Wow big fuckin deal. You will get better as time goes on. You will learn all the tricks and everything. Who cares if its small and does not have that much, he obviously doesn't give a shit. Why criticize him so much? Its a lil harsh dont ya think?
He flowered the plant for a month dude, he is going to have hay smelling weed just like YOU
Constructive criticism, learn how to take it or get off the forum
Average maturity times is at least 8 weeks and this guy harvested around four weeks, it wasn't even halfway done
You of all people martinez who was complaining about how shitty your weed smells come and back this dude up who did the same thing
Instead of giving him praise for messing up why don't you tell him your experience so that he will know to allow the plant to fully mature before harvesting
We aren't haters you just should not harvest a plant at 4 weeks unless there is cops at your door end of story kiss-ass


Active Member
He flowered the plant for a month dude, he is going to have hay smelling weed just like YOU
Constructive criticism, learn how to take it or get off the forum
Average maturity times is at least 8 weeks and this guy harvested around four weeks, it wasn't even halfway done
You of all people martinez who was complaining about how shitty your weed smells come and back this dude up who did the same thing
Instead of giving him praise for messing up why don't you tell him your experience so that he will know to allow the plant to fully mature before harvesting
We aren't haters you just should not harvest a plant at 4 weeks unless there is cops at your door end of story kiss-ass
I will back someone up who is gettin picked on. Criticizing someone does not have to sound rude. I think you take this shit a lil to seriously. Peace


Well-Known Member
My guess is that this is the Grand Daddy strain and he tried to top it to get multiple colas. This is the kind of result I would expect...
Yeah it's pretty much obvious that its been topped, i'm talking of the poor quality, small, scraggly buds on a poor quality, small scraggly plant!


Well-Known Member
He flowered the plant for a month dude, he is going to have hay smelling weed just like YOU
Constructive criticism, learn how to take it or get off the forum
Average maturity times is at least 8 weeks and this guy harvested around four weeks, it wasn't even halfway done
You of all people martinez who was complaining about how shitty your weed smells come and back this dude up who did the same thing
Instead of giving him praise for messing up why don't you tell him your experience so that he will know to allow the plant to fully mature before harvesting
We aren't haters you just should not harvest a plant at 4 weeks unless there is cops at your door end of story kiss-ass
You just saved me typing something of the same type, well said, there is a wealth of information on this board that if looked for and read through can and will save you growing a plant which looks like that, so why people post there swampweed plants on here and then can't take criticism is beyond me, then the people who stick up for them, well:roll: Plus rep to you Tom+

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man this place is so full of haters thieves and sarcy little bitches lately riu used to be full of encouragement. now its all you aint shit cos your not doing it right.


mostblunted, read up from the FAQ's and soak up as much as you can and dont be afraid to ask questions.

Tom 420 im suprised i thought you were a decent guy. ' You didn't pay for electricity? Still living with your mommy and daddy I take it?' wtf hardly constructive crit really.

man so you grew a nice purple plant now your fuckin jorge cervantes?