My LED laboratory


New Member
lmao guys. ok, LEDs are the BEST. rock on. gl. too bad companies in canada and europe, places where MH isnt as illegal as the US, DONT use LEDs even thought they have unlimited resources to use whatever they want. they grow indoors and do NOT use LEDs.

listen, before i grew my first plant i wanted to use leds but didn bc theyre not full spectrum and super pricey.

i just want to know why the professional growers DONT use LEDs?


Well-Known Member
Don't know....I'm not a professional grower......and you are right.....they are not full spectrum, and they are pricey(that whole don't have to replace them thing). But that is about all you are right about....

I'm just here showing my box off and saying that they work. I am watching the results.....Are they stupendous, record breaking, stop the presses results????probably not, but they are positive none the less.....

So do me a favor.....step with an open mind, or step off.....You're harshin my mellow!


Well-Known Member
just an fyi, LEDs use little energy have low heat bc they light output is SO SMALL. if you had the same amount of wattage going to the LEDs at other lights, they would be just as hot.
As VV pointed out, this couldn't be more wrong. Heat is infrared radiation, which is useless for growing marijuana, but is produced by HID lights. You get that because of the distribution of radiation produced. The same is the case with incandescents, where a large amount of the energy dispersed (by thermionic emission) is useless.

So the total power output is the sum of visible and invisible radiation, including heat (infrared). Therefore, for a given wattage, the more heat you produce, the less useful radiation you will have.

LEDs produce (nearly) monochromatic radiation, similar to a laser. So ideally you only get what you need. The problems of figuring out exactly what is needed (spectrum) and getting it to where it is useful (distribution) are what are left to be solved.

Work in progress shows it is going somewhere: Growing Marijuana with LED, Growshow . You can bet your ass that way more research is going on, but that it is secret because those that patent the work will make a fortune.


Well-Known Member
lmao guys. ok, LEDs are the BEST. rock on. gl. too bad companies in canada and europe, places where MH isnt as illegal as the US, DONT use LEDs
Now you are adding a lack of knowledge of what the laws are. You really need to get out more, both the Canadian and the UK government are going to stiffen the penalties for marijuana, in spite of all the evidence that they shouldn't that is presented by the failure of the war on drugs in the US.

even thought they have unlimited resources to use whatever they want. they grow indoors and do NOT use LEDs.
And if this were true it would just mean the don't have the brains in the UK and Canada. Fortunatly it isn't correct either.

listen, before i grew my first plant i wanted to use leds but didn bc theyre not full spectrum and super pricey.
Listen, the light companies could make them full spectrum, why would they. They are directional lights, you can chose the best lighting for the purpose it was intended, without wasting the rest of the energy needed to produce full spectrum light, that is the reason they are better for lighting specific things, like plants, and signs and Hollywood sets and the space shuttle. So your not buying them because they are not full spectrum shows you need to do more research, you are underinformed.

i just want to know why the professional growers DONT use LEDs?[/
I'm guessing its because until about 6 months ago they were 'super pricey' for the result you could get. Since then, the light companies have done more research and found the mixture of led's that work the best so far, for growing plants. They have found that a mixture of red and blue at a 3 to 1 ratio works well and for every 100 watts of hid lighting you would need 25watts of led's. This makes them an investment, the prices are low enough to make them not 'Super Pricey'.
Why aren't the light companies concentrating on improving hid lights, I wonder. I think I have been to Gnarnia, do they have a car production company there? I think that was the time I hit a deer. And Campbells soup?
Well, you know, old people and their memories. VV:peace::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i just bought a 400 watt mh system. i was looking at the led's, but decided to go with somethin conventional.... its a really neat setup youu have, ever consider raising with all led, no supplemental cfl?


Well-Known Member
led's are a bit more money but you save on the power bill so its cool i love them i wont use anything else the big ass 900 led panels are so tight.i seen this thing that said that 225 leds equal a 400watt hps so do the math. :leaf:


Active Member
I just finished a harvest of 4 various seed-based, soil plants using only 4 LED lights (purchased and assembled from 14 Watt Grow Light Kit - I was actually really dissapointed with the turnout. I have not weighted them out yet as they are still drying, but I doubt that i will total more than an oz and a half between all four. Hopefully y'all will have better luck than me though.

As for the spectrum of the LED's to be used, it is not very hard to figure out. First, most botony books will have a breakdown of frequency-to-photosythesis ratio that says exactly what range to use. Or just common sense. The plant is green, therefore it reflects green light. Green being a combo of both yellow and blue light, you need to omit the yellow end of the light spectrum. Usually, most manufacturers of LED lighting systems stick with a lot of Reds, and a couple of blues.


Active Member
Note: Just because my results were less than favorable, that does not mean i think LED's are useless. There are multiple variables that could account for my lack of success.

Either way, just bought SeeMoreBuds book "Buds for Less" and am looking forward to trying CFL's. Just switched over my 2 * 3 closet to (8) 42 - watt CFL's. I will try and post some results when the time comes. Would highly recommend the book, btw, lots of great information and easy to follow setup.


Well-Known Member
led's are a bit more money but you save on the power bill so its cool i love them i wont use anything else the big ass 900 led panels are so tight.i seen this thing that said that 225 leds equal a 400watt hps so do the math. :leaf:
225 leds, using 14 watts of power is not equal to a 400 watt hid light. The conversion is 4 to 1. for every 4 watts of hid you need one watt of led. So you would need between 7 and 8 of those panels, or two sets of the 4 panel led's to equal the growing out put of the 400 watt hid's. I saw them for $41.00/ 225 light panel. (8) =$328.00. Well within pay back in one year. It does make the math easy, one panel, one square foot of coverage. And because of the light weight of the panels, I intend to make a frame for the out of PVC, I will post it when I do if someone doesn't beat me to it. VV:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Note: Just because my results were less than favorable, that does not mean i think LED's are useless. There are multiple variables that could account for my lack of success.

Either way, just bought SeeMoreBuds book "Buds for Less" and am looking forward to trying CFL's. Just switched over my 2 * 3 closet to (8) 42 - watt CFL's. I will try and post some results when the time comes. Would highly recommend the book, btw, lots of great information and easy to follow setup.
Holy shit a breath of positivity!

My panels are 15wt don't know about the floods, but damn they're bright.
I think the cfls work fine for a small grow. My original light board had 14 of them with 4 led floods and 6 panels. It was truly a stoned work of art. Then my mentor showed up, nodded, and said that's nice, but this is nicer. He handed me a pioneer VIII. Had to cut 2 bars outta my box to make it fit. they run about 325+/- loaded with bulbs. t5 flouros. Worth the money...
keep up the experimenting. create something new and get rich!


Well-Known Member
led's are a bit more money but you save on the power bill so its cool i love them i wont use anything else the big ass 900 led panels are so tight.i seen this thing that said that 225 leds equal a 400watt hps so do the math. :leaf:
personally I don't care for the panels...I have 8 of them...they don't seem to be concentrated enough with the light. My floods (with 165 leds per)....a diff story

if you want a good led fixture then save up for a 90wt led fixture...I am thinking of ordering 1 from where I buy mine overseas. it's $ can I resist! It was meant to be.


Well-Known Member
here mstrwilliams, i took a pic of my laboratory for ya. this is my current configuration. I like the spots too, hahaa and b4 anyone says anything, i raised a couple of them a bit to get the pic, hehe.
The led tech is interesting but I dont like the cluster fuck of wires and such you have what like 7-8 lights? Thats alot of wires running everyplace. I like the easy one plug setup on the hps. Im kinda anal and that would make me nuts i would have made some sort of panel with all the wires and stuff on top and only lights showing through. Oh do they have a ballast or do they just plug in?


Well-Known Member
The led tech is interesting but I dont like the cluster fuck of wires and such you have what like 7-8 lights? Thats alot of wires running everyplace. I like the easy one plug setup on the hps. Im kinda anal and that would make me nuts i would have made some sort of panel with all the wires and stuff on top and only lights showing through. Oh do they have a ballast or do they just plug in?
We cut the plugs off of mine and wired them all together on 1 cord in an array. no ballast required


Well-Known Member
if you put panels on top and 2 on sides with mylar reflector paper its awesome i had such a big yeild but i was also growing BC big budd but still it worked great