My half ass clone attempt.


Well-Known Member
RH is around 80%. RW is still moist.
So some bro science,after 4 days they say to lower RH so vents wide open.You want them( RW ) to dry out.Making the the little nubs of roots reach for moisture.At day 8 ish add a little water and close vents.

I dont really follow that, Im in no hurry and just leaving them alone and dry back slowly seams to work.
What you dont want to do is water too early,this stops roots right in their tracks.They won't grow because they dont need to,they got water. So let them dry back,you have roots poking out by day 8-10 ish.


Well-Known Member
So some bro science,after 4 days they say to lower RH so vents wide open.You want them( RW ) to dry out.Making the the little nubs of roots reach for moisture.At day 8 ish add a little water and close vents.

I dont really follow that, Im in no hurry and just leaving them alone and dry back slowly seams to work.
What you dont want to do is water too early,this stops roots right in their tracks.They won't grow because they dont need to,they got water. So let them dry back,you have roots poking out by day 8-10 ish.
I was thinking about cracking the vent and see where the humidity and temps stabilize.
They are still standing perky


Well-Known Member
Dont take the cover off! haha
Just a little peak.
I was reading that some people pull the lid and if they wilt put it back on. If not leave it off.
The theory being if the don’t wilt they have roots.

but I’m gonna leave it on till day 7 then leave the vent open until I see roots.


Well-Known Member
Just a little peak.
I was reading that some people pull the lid and if they wilt put it back on. If not leave it off.
The theory being if the don’t wilt they have roots.

but I’m gonna leave it on till day 7 then leave the vent open until I see roots.
They wilt from the humidity shock,going from 90-40 in a quick second.Thats why I leave it alone,temp reduces quick also.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Just a little peak.
I was reading that some people pull the lid and if they wilt put it back on. If not leave it off.
The theory being if the don’t wilt they have roots.

but I’m gonna leave it on till day 7 then leave the vent open until I see roots.
Opening to check is fine
Mist the lid is all you need from here on out and that is only if it looks dry
You can open vents once roots begin to show


Well-Known Member
So I’m at day 7 today. I opened the vents a little more checked the cubes for moisture and still fine. Maybe 3 more days they’ll get just a little water. I also dropped a seed into an empty cube. It’s up today. 2CE7E4BB-BC34-4BC1-99F1-750EC214330C.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Yup day 7.
mine are looking good. Humidity in the dome has dropped to between 75-80%. Temp is stable at 76F.
Cubes are still damp and have a bit of weight to them.


Well-Known Member
Just had a peak at mine. Looked pretty dry, I gave them about a 1/2 -3/4 cup water in the tray and found some roots. I’d imagine yours are rooted by now also. E97A93B3-9D4F-4E44-8227-AF895631ECAD.jpegD2589F8F-1985-4C6B-92A6-F3997B730474.jpeg


Well-Known Member
No roots yet for me.
did have 2 cubes get a little dry when I checked yesterday. Probably from where the heat element sits in the tray.
Any day now I hope.


Well-Known Member
Will it’s day 15ish. Got roots out of 2 cubes now. Woot woot

On is the Rolex og kush. That I really wanted to keep.

can I transplant to dirt once the roots show?


Well-Known Member
Will it’s day 15ish. Got roots out of 2 cubes now. Woot woot

On is the Rolex og kush. That I really wanted to keep.

can I transplant to dirt once the roots show?
Cool. I usually add some water to the tray but if there’s some not showing roots getting them wet will only slow it down.
Yes you can transplant. Use a myco product. Don’t change the light just yet. You may even have to keep them under the dome.I just prop up one side and see. If they don’t wilt you can prop open even more.
The others have roots there just slow to show. Maybe too wet.
You can give the transplanted ones a little more light after a day or two.


Well-Known Member
I actually left the dome off accidentally yesterday. No wilting at all. One with roots showing already has new growth